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14 Posted Topics
so I have this code to draw screen to client area every 100ms HDC hDC = GetDC(hWnd); SetStretchBltMode(hDC, HALFTONE); StretchBlt(hDC, 0, 0, screen.right/2, screen.bottom/2, GetDC(NULL), 0, 0, screen.right, screen.bottom, SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(hDC); however whenever it draws the program freezes for a while (like 10ms), it's not really noticeable unless you move … | |
I've googled for a while and found few things (I hate using external libs such as cURL) and I don't really have experience with HTTP, so the question is: how can I interact with websites using sockets? so something like this: 1. I connect to the website 2. I store … | |
hi, I have trouble with getting info from my table, this is my code: [code]#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <mysql++.h> #include <manip.h> using namespace std; #define HOST "" #define USER "senergy" #define PASSWORD "" #define DATABASE "" #define PORT 3306 // deleted info :) int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { … | |
Hello, about 3 months ago I made simple chat using MySQL++ which is working fine, login function: [url]http://pastebin.com/Mdup4zi6[/url] but today I'm creating Control Panel, I've copied and changed this function a little bit, but i'm getting 0 results (if I copy syntax to navicat I'll get password so...) login function: … | |
Hello, how can I make my program (I'm using dialog as main window) to "block" everything (like when u are running some program that needs admin permissions) so u won't be able to do anything until u select "yes" or "no" except minimize and exit + what's the message for … | |
Hello, I've added TXT file to my resource, but now I need to know how to access data in it? can I use iostream to read data? I have this: resource.rc [code]LANGUAGE LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL IDR_0_1 0 "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Desktop\\test.txt"[/code] resource.h [code]#define IDR_0_1 119[/code] main.cpp [code]HRSRC hRes = FindResource(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_0_1), "0"); HGLOBAL hData … | |
Hi, I have searched a lot of tutorials on how to make owner-drawn icon buttons, but a lot of them are a little bit hard to understand for API newbie and done in run-time, not with resources (I like resources!) so, can someone create/post some nice and simple tutorial on … | |
Hi, how can I read specific data from file? let's say I have file containing this: [code]Data1: 1 Data2: 2 Data3: 3 Data4: 4[/code] how can I make program find "Data1: " and then get everything what's behind it? or like in some configs, there is: [code]<Something: "something2", "something3">[/code] how … | |
Good Day, I have troubles with compiling MySQL++ with Visual Studio 2010 Express edition, I've downloaded MySQL Complete Pack and installed Development tools (server, includes etc), downloaded MySQL++ 3.1.0 and runned vc2008 solution with my vc2010 and compressed it for 2010, I've included everything from MySQL folder and MySQL++ install … | |
Hi, does someone know nice, clean tutorial with links for all headers and libraries for connection to MySQL database? I'm searching for something good for about week now, but I've still found only some rly rly rly retarded posts, without any libraries for donwload or something, just code, i've tried … | |
Hi, I have few problems, so I hope someone will help me :) I started with win32 API yesterday and I really like it, but I need little help :) #1 edit: I already fixed this :P #2 I created small "login" application, after user press "login" it should get … | |
Hi, how can I make program execute code when I will turn my PC off or hybernate him? | |
Hi, does someone of you have experience with this engine? If yes, then please send me PM or reply, thanks! | |
Hi, I wanna ask you if there is SIMPLE way to check if file called XXX is in path YYY? I have this Code: [CODE]int GetLocation() { GetName(); string location; location += "C:\\Users\\" + name + "\\Documents\\test.txt"; if(location) return 1; else return 0; } int main() { if(GetLocation() == 1) … |
The End.