Replied To a Post in Random Facts
A story in "Time Magazine" once reported that while Donald Trump was in college he enjoyed reading federal foreclosure listings just for fun. -
Replied To a Post in What are you eating/drinking right now?
Romanesco is one good looking veggie. I had a pizza from a restraunt known as Pieology. -
Replied To a Post in Seeking a partner to create something world changing
>If a woman ruled the whole world, there'd be no negotiating. Everyone is home for dinner and in bed before midnight or there's hell to pay. Sounds like my home... -
Replied To a Post in Seeking a partner to create something world changing
How about we have women run the world... we wouldn't have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days. I rather see that than countries killing each other. -
Began Watching sort by text[need help urgent...!]
C++ HELP: hello i made a program where user enter any message then fing its frequency and push it on the queue and sort it i want to sort it … -
Replied To a Post in sort by text[need help urgent...!]
We can't really help you if we can't see your work. A screenshot of an output doesn't really help if there are many ways to come out with the same … -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
@Pixel, well... i had them repeated 3 times... because... ummm... I have no idea why I did that to begin with. But anyways, I got it to work, but what … -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
So, I made some progress on the php. The security part works and so does the part where i get a copy of the inputs into my csv. The only … -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
Where do i put that superglobal? -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
Incase anyone was going to try this... don't try merging the two codes, it doesn't work... -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
I would do that, but I... well... have no clue how to use them (don't ask :P):/ That is why I prefer to do it like the way I do, … -
Gave Reputation to pixelsoul in Contact Form Errors
<2cents> If you're trying to create this in the most optimal way, I would recommend trying some already developed classes. For example, combining https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer with https://github.com/Wixel/GUMP Or whatever classes you … -
Began Watching what is the database MRI image contain tumor brain image and healthy brain
what is the database MRI image contain tumor brain image and healthy brain image? where can i find it? -
Replied To a Post in what is the database MRI image contain tumor brain image and healthy brain
Google Images... just type what you are looking for, and baaam. You get pictures. -
Replied To a Post in Seeking a partner to create something world changing
... This whole argument from a guy trying to scam us about a false business completely changed gears into a more political debate about... erm... nukes? elections? politics? Middle East? -
Gave Reputation to diafol in Contact Form Errors
The " should have sorted out the IF error. if(strlen(child_info) < 2) { This appears to be a constant, but I see no declaration. Are you referring to `$child_info`? Also: … -
Gave Reputation to pixelsoul in Contact Form Errors
Why?!? ?> Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch with you very soon. <?php } ?> -
Gave Reputation to Lau_1 in Contact Form Errors
it's correct, but u modify it incorreclty, $to = "yahoo@gmail.com"; $subject = "Contact Form Submission; u should change it to @mail($to, $subject, $email_message, $headers); To display the success message, echo … -
Gave Reputation to Lau_1 in Contact Form Errors
what is the error? -
Gave Reputation to Lau_1 in Contact Form Errors
can u repost code? and is the line 16 same as the line 16 above? -
Gave Reputation to Lau_1 in Contact Form Errors
Sorry for late reply. Ok, first thing I want to point out is, please dont directly copy and paste any code from any website, u may refer, but dont copy. … -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
Alright, so I tried running the code, the results are much more positive. I don't get any of the errors I get before but the form security doesn't seem to … -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
@Lau, Sorry about that, I was trying to work on an old form of mine and wanted to see there was a better alternative. I saw that one and wanted … -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
Yes, the code is the same as the above. There were comments, i removed them, that is the only difference. -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
It says: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IF in /home/content/86/5284386/html/thenameofmywebsite/contact.php on line 16 -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
@Lau, i tried those changes, and still had errors :/ -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
I was using the form from here: http://www.freecontactform.com/email_form.php Is the form that this person created correctly written? -
Replied To a Post in Contact Form Errors
@diafol, I am gonna go download phpstorm... @pixelsoul... should i remove that >.> -
Began Watching Friend wanting to C++,reccomended him to Daniweb
So this friend, the boyfriend of another friend, is interstd in acareer as an IT, he knows quite a lot but wants to learn C++ so I reccomended Daniweb as … -
Replied To a Post in Friend wanting to C++,reccomended him to Daniweb
I spread the word the best I can about how great daniweb is... i did lose a few stackoverflow and codeprojects accounts in the process of talking about how great …
The End.