This is the problem amd im not sure how to do it. This class from what my otherclassmates have been telling is that I should already know how to do the pseudocode. But my teacher does not explain anything but this is what I have came up with.
The Barking Lot is a dog day care center. Design the following:
1. A Dog class that holds fields for ID number of owner, an the name, breed, age, and weight of the dog. Include get and set methods for each field.
2. An Owner class that holds ID number of owner, and owner's name, address, and phone number. Include get and set methods for each field.
3. A method that accepts two objects--a Dog and an Owner. If the Dog and Owner IDs do not match, display an error message. Otherwise, display a bill containing the Owner and Dog data and the weekly day care fee which is $55 for dogs under 15 pounds, $75 for dogs at least 15 pounds but no more than 30 pounds, $105 for dogs over 30 pounds but no more than 80 pounds, and $125 for dogs over 80 pounds.
This is all I got. I know its not much but I dont understand it please help.