Hello guys,

Being a little dissappointed I'm coming here for a relief. I just gave up with my Linear Algebra. The proff I got is not very useful and his lecture makes no sense.
Tests questions are all new to me etcetera ...rambling...

Anyways, I was doing very well on computing science courses and I started to kind of like it. With all these math courses, however, I don't know how far will I get. I have yet to take Statistics, Discrete math 2 and well --Linear Algebra. I't not so worried about the courses themselves but I am thinking --am I really suited for this major knowing that I have to spend so much time with Linear Algebra level courses. Ugh!!!! lol

I havent had much problem with computing science courses yet.

Any feedback from been-there-done-that folks would be very appreciated.


I've been doing good with my math courses ... and I had all types of problems with my computer science problems ... but lately when I am finishing my degree I am happy with all my work ....... nothing to bother .. just go on take the courses ... they'll be helping in your computer science courses. And never think of leaving in the middle again . Okay ??

Algebra is tough - ive done maths a-lev, further maths a-lev and am doing ENGINEERING at exeter uni!!!! trust me it is EXCEPTIONALLY useful for most computational applications. dont give up - it will get easier as later subjects usually build on older topics.... do you have any specific problems?

Professors that don't know how to teach are part of academic life. Get a tutor, or drop the course and hope somebody else will actually know how to teach it later on.


I really enjoyed Algebra... it was the trig based calculus that got me. That and discrete math... how many colored marbles in a jar, probability of picking so many of this color or that color.

I loved calculating things that do not exist.


My question is: How are you going to use a computer to its fullest without understanding the math behind it? It is amazing how frequently I use that math in my job.

Calculus is one of those things which suddenly clicks. It makes no sense, until you realize that you are always working toward the same goal, no matter what the actual problem is. Once you get that, and learn the two fundamental theorems, it becomes easy (although still a lot of busy work). And when you learn to do numerical calculus on the computer with real world values, it makes many problems much easier to solve.

I used to teach finite math (probability and statistics applied to the real world). The trick there is that you have to think in terms of boolean algebra, not the preconceived meanings of words used in english. And you have to think of whether items are taken in an order, or as a handful, and whether or not objects aqre replaced to be drawn again, in order to pick the correct measurement formula.

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