Hi to all!

Do you guys support or have a section on game programming/design?
if so whats the best language youd say to learn?


I have programmed a few games, what do you want to know? The best language?? depends on what game you want to make. If you have any ideas post them and i will try to help

C++ and directx or openGL have been know for gaming design. Im not a programmer although. I cant help you much into detail. Google gaim design you will find a hand full of site. Trust me its the easiest thing to read up on, every one wants to be a game programmer. lol (=

I have programmed a few games, what do you want to know? The best language?? depends on what game you want to make. If you have any ideas post them and i will try to help

Hello there!

I want to make a adventure game, the way i see the market going its the biggest and baddest 3d game that makes it but i beleive its the Great idea. I want to do puzzle solving/arcade adventure game, eg. like the NEW prince of persia Games.

I have some c/c++ & visual basic ver 4 exp.


that game took time to make, it has great detail and was assembled by over 10 people lol, what kind/howmuch of staff you running?

I suggest C++ and do it in 2D First. Get everything working properly then get out DirectX 8

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