Okay, I have to pick a topic and tell why its acceptable. I have to work with an advisor to understand the topic and prepare a written report on the results. I have to prepare a 12 page paper in a publishable format. (10 pages if I have over 500 lines of code as I'm sure I will) It has to be something in depth enough to get a 30 minute presentation over and aimed at upperclassmen undergraduate CS and Math majors.
Projects must either be extensions of concepts I have learned or be on a topic that I have never studied.
I may not take a topic entirely from a previous or current course. Approved projects will involve your solving a previously-unsolved substantial problem in computer science or mathematics.
The courses I have had are: Python, C++ (introductory and advanced), data structures (also advanced), parallel programming, theory of programming languages, VB (introductory only), operating systems, software engineering, game concepts class. Also have taken a bunch of Information system classes and some Math classes.
Im going to be taking Artificial Intelligence, Capstone, and Game Prototypes and Design this semester.