What will be the effect on web browsing if the browsers start compiling the HTML language instead of interpreting it?

HTML is not a compilable language (at least in the traditional sense), so therefore, this question makes no sense. Also, I don't see what this has to do with Linux/Unix

ok..but that question has much sense....its related with some object oriented concepts...but i am not getting the exact answer..so i put it here....sorry for improper question....!!! Also thnx a lot for the reply...

html is also not object oriented, but I think what you are asking (correct me if i am wrong) is if different methods of interpreting html performed by different web browsers will change the actual results displayed on the screen, and the short answer is no, except in the situation where you are using an extremely poorly coded web browser.

What will be the effect on web browsing if the browsers start compiling the HTML language instead of interpreting it?

Are you asking, "why don't we compile html files, instead of generating a (html) page on the fly?"?

yes...thats what i am trying to ask, that what's the effect if html is compiled instead of interpreting it?????

yes...thats what i am trying to ask, that what's the effect if html is compiled instead of interpreting it?????

Well, I haven't heard of anyone using a system that compiles html.

Html files are easy to read, for the browser and the person reading/coding it.

If you compiled an html web, how would you present it? At the end of the day, you will be sending some sort of file that is interpreted by a browser.

If you compile code on one system, it might not work on another system, e.g C on linux and windows.

It's hard to answer your question, but you want to make a coding-system as simple as possible. Compiling is not a simple process.

I am still not satisfied with your answer.Do you mean compiling is not good for html???? But thanks a lot for the reply!!!!

Let me answer your question with another question.. Why would you want to compile?

Compiling is the act of "translating" code from high-level, to a low-level language (usually assembly or machine code). (a translator translate code from one language to another, regardless on what "level" it is).

HTMl is a high-level language. Because it is high level, it will never run on a computer without software to make it run. The OS, using a browser, understand the html code, and is able to produce an output from that.

The only instance I can see why you would want to make a webpage language that you have to compile, is so that you can run it off the terminal without a browser?

I would view this as making a sandwich. Some sandwiches need to be cooked, like a panini, some languages don't, like your bog-standard cheese sandwich. Depending on the circumstances, you will make one or the other. Html is like your bog-standard sandwich, you don't need to toast it, so you don't (usually). And a panini, is like C, you need to toast it, or it wont work.

..That's my idea of how this stuff works.

HTML is not a high-level language, it is a markup language. Basically, all it does is tell a program, like a web browser, how to display information on the screen, for example, like how this text is green.

You can't ask the question "Why would you want to compile html" because you simply can't compile html. You can't run an html file in a command line, nor can it be compiled to run in the command line. It is impossible.

HTML is not a high-level language, it is a markup language.

I understand that it's a markup-language, but it's high level in the sense that it uses english-like words, hence why it's sometimes referred as "high level" language..

..that's what I was told.

Html is a web scripting language, it has no compiler, its not like a programming language that has a compiler and since its not have a compiler, it cannot be compiled. Its just a language that tells the browser how to display a particular information.

It's not a scripting language, its a markup language. A scripting language can be used to communicate instructions to the machine or a program, while a markup language is only used to format information.

Html is a web scripting language, it has no compiler, its not like a programming language that has a compiler and since its not have a compiler, it cannot be compiled. Its just a language that tells the browser how to display a particular information.

Actually you could make an HTML compiler. It would generate an EXE that would show whatever page you wanted compiled. That is all it would do, though. Making links work and other stuff that makes web pages useful would just end up in you making a web browser. So there isn't much point in making an HTML compiler.

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