I am an avid Poolplayer, and have played for 44 years, and I ma a retired systems developer of mainframe systems mostly, and have never done raw development on a PC (standalone program). I know several languages, for expample, COBOL, SAS, fortran, databus (remember that..lol), modula-2, RPG3. I am familiar with HTML, XML, AND SOME jAVA.
The system, or program, I have chosen to develop, of hwich there is none currently, is a 'Cue Design' program for cuemakers and Pool players planning on having a custom cue made. If you have seen or are familiar with Custom Cues, you know they have many parts to them with many various wooods used.
I will need to develop similiar to a sophisticated paint program or photoship program, only with Pool oriented templates to used in building the cue (selecting woods, different joints used, different ring material, different wraps, etc). In additions varioius design components (like different styles of points made, and different patterns of inlays).
When the cue is built, I want to do a 3 dimensional rendition of it, and rotate it for the customer, so they can get as actual a feel as possible.
I also want to do a print with a parts list for them. Of course, they must be able to save their creations too.
I developed systems for 25 years on mainframes, both online and batch, including object oriented code (SAS frame).
But in the PC application area, I do NOT know which language, or combination of software applications, would be BEST for me to accomplish what I described above. I NEED RECOMMENDATIONS. FOR THE RIGHT TOOLS (remember 3 dimensional renditions and animation). PRICE OF THE TOOLS
IS ALSO A CONSIDERATION. IF a tool is $1,000 forget it, if it is $100-300, that's okay.
I know computers, functionality, and how various languages function. I pick up new languages very fast. I pride myself in my logic ability.
Can you help out with some suggestions?