I must write Analysis, IPOChart, Hierarchy Chart, Flowchart, GUI Design,
Pseudocode, and Test Cases for an office supply inventory tracking program

Here is the Pseudocode that i have so far:

Main Module 

1 Declare PensAmount As float 
2 Declare PaperAmount As float 
3 Declare MarkerAmount As float 
4 Declare PaperclipAmount As float 
5 Write “Welcome to the Office Supply inventory program, please enter the requested data at the prompts.”
 6 Call Input_Data module 
7 Call Process_Data module 
8 Call Output_Results module 

Input Data Module 
1. Write “Please select the item you require” 
2. Display “Pens[] Paper[] Marker[] Paper Clip[] Nothing[]” 
3. If Pens is selected then go to Input Data Module Submodule-Pens 
4. If Paper is selected then go to Input Data Module Submodule-Paper 
5. If Marker is selected then go to Input Data Module Submodule-Marker 
6. If Paper Clip is selected then go to Input Data Module Submodule-PaperClip 
7. If Nothing is selected then go to Output Results Module 

Write “Please enter the amount of pens in inventory” 
Input PensOnHand 
Write “Please enter the amount of pens you have added to inventory” 
Input PensAdded 
Write “Please enter the amount of pens you are taking from inventory” 
Input PensTaken 
End Module 

Write “Please enter the amount of Paper in inventory” 
Input PaperOnHand 
Write “Please enter the amount of paper you have added to inventory” 
Input PaperAdded 
Write “Please enter the amount of paper you are taking from inventory” 
Input PaperTaken 
End Module 

Write “Please enter the amount of markers in inventory” 
Input MarkersOnHand 
Write “Please enter the amount of markers you have added to inventory” 
Input MarkersAdded 
Write “Please enter the amount of markers you are taking from inventory” 
Input MarkersTaken 
End Module 

Write “Please enter the amount of paperclip in inventory” 
Input PaperClipOnHand 
Write “Please enter the amount of paperclip you have added to inventory” 
Input PaperClipAdded 
Write “Please enter the amount of paperclip you are taking from inventory” 
Input PaperClipTaken 
End Module 
Process Data Module 
Set PensAmount = PensOnHand+PensAdded-PensTaken 
If PensAmount < 20 Then Display [Warning: Pen supply is low, please order more] 
Set PaperAmount = PaperOnHand+PaperAdded-PaperTaken 
If PaperAmount < 200 Then Display [Warning: Paper supply is low, please order more]
 Set MarkerAmount = MarkersOnHand + MarkersAdded - MarkersTaken 
If MarkerAmount < 20 Then Display [Warning: Marker supply is low, please order more]
 Set PaperclipAmount = PaperClipOnHand + PaperClipAdded - PaperClipTaken 
If PaperclipAmount < 50 Then Display [Warning: Paperclip supply is low, please order more]
 End Module 

Output Results Module 
Write “The current amount of Pens in inventory is:” 
Display PensAmount 
Write “The current amount of Paper in inventory is:” 
Display PaperAmount 
Write “The current amount of Markers in inventory is:” 
Display MarkerAmount 
Write “the current amount of Paperclips in inventory is:” 
Display PaperclipAmount 
Write “Thank you for using the inventory program” 
End Program 

Can anyone help with this or is this pseudocode ok? I figure once I get the Pseudocode nailed down the rest should fall into place.

Oh dear, is there a doctor in the room?

I know its rough, its just a beginner course, could you help clean it up some? its due sunday

could you help clean it up some?

At a glance, I don't see anything too terrible. You seem to be mixing up an explicit declarative and automated declarative style by declaring some variables but not others, but in short pseudocode that's not a huge deal.

Thank you for your response, I made a few changes and added some error if statements, crossing my fingers and turning it in.

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