i've recently engaged in an argument with my dad about CDs and DVDs vs memory sticks and i basically stated that since nowadays it is common for almost everyone to have at least a 16GB stick, CDs and DVDs are basically becoming useless/non-convenient. he countered me stating that CDs have a higher quality for the stored memory compared to flash drives(meanning the processes needed to store/write data on it are pure mechanically, not involving any magnetic/electric processes as sticks do => the data on CDs is much more less likely to get distorted/destroyed) which makes CDs better for storing quality audio/video
now, my question is: is that true? flash drives are (very)prone to have information errors because of physical processes? and if so, how are these errors corrected?
i don't fully the grasp the conceps involving data writing on flash drives(i have the basic idea), hence i don't understand the implications that this process has.
EDIT: now i realize i posted this in the wrong section(facepalm); i am sorry for that, some admin please move it to the coresponding section.
thx for understanding