I am new here. I am taking an entry-level programming class and this is my code but i wanted to know if there are any errors in this code and if there are can you please explain to me what they are. And also having problem putting in a raptor flowchart
// Global constant for body mass
Constant Real BODY_MASS_MULTIPLIER = 703
// main module
Module main()
// Local variables
Declare Real Weight, Height, BMI
// Get the weight
Call getWeight(Weight)
// Get the height
Call getHeight(Height)
// Calculate the body mass
Call setMass(Weight, Height, BMI)
// Display body mass
Call showBMI(BMI)
End Module
// The getWeight module gets weight and stores it
// in the inputWeight reference variable.
Module getWeight (Real Ref inputWeight)
Display “Enter the weight.”
Input inputWeight
End Module
// The getHeight module gets height and stores it
// in the inputHeight reference variable.
Module getHeight (Real Ref inputHeight)
"Display “Enter thInline Code Example Heree height.”
Input inputHeight
End Module
// The setMass module sets the BMI and stores it
// in the BMI reference variable.
Module setMass (Real Weight, Height, Ref BMI)
Set BMI = Weight * (BODY_MASS_MULTIPLIER/(Height* Height))
End Module
// The showBMI module accepts BMI as argument and displays the
// body mass indicator
Module showBMI(BMI)
Display "Body Mass Indicator: ", BMI
End Module