Hi All I want to write a cpu scheduling code (SJF or RR or Priority)
what programming language is better to use as it has been along time for me to write a program.
so what PL can I teach my self & write a code within 7 days :eek:

Use basm or masm, in other words just use assembly language.

Richard West

but it would be v. complicated to build a cpu schedual program,
ex. Round roben thec or Shortest Job First Or Priority using Assembly
other programmer well try .net or Jave
but i wanna to know which is better

hi dina,
my name is saif al rayyes,
well i have a project this smstr in my university and its about a simulation for operating system,
and the main thing in it is the cpu scheduling,
i do also have some problems to start the code,
so i hope we can help each other,
to cantact me my e mail is :
i waiting for ur reply.

saif al rayyes
comuter engineering
yarmouk university

hi dina,
my name is saif al rayyes,
well i have a project this smstr in my university and its about a simulation for operating system,
and the main thing in it is the cpu scheduling,
i do also have some problems to start the code,
so i hope we can help each other,
to cantact me my e mail is :
i waiting for ur reply.

saif al rayyes
comuter engineering
yarmouk university

.NET is easiest. I remember coming across an article that deals with this situation at MSDN a year or two ago.

hi there,
if u need a cpu scheduling code in c++ just send me to SNIP

Hi All I want to write a cpu scheduling code (SJF or RR or Priority)
what programming language is better to use as it has been along time for me to write a program.
so what PL can I teach my self & write a code within 7 days :eek:

hi ... I think we have the same problem... Our prof assigned us to make a program regarding RR,, and the only programming language i'm pretty sure i'm comfortable with is java... bt i don't know how to start the codes..

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