ok so i just started a cs5 class
and im am completely lost
can someone please help me figure out this problem
The figure below shows the data file for the blood pressures for the patients
| 4538 120 150 200 149 -10|
| 1278 100 170 165 -5 |
| 9823 99 118 186 90 -8 |
| . . . . -7 |
| . . . . -8 |
| . . . . -6 |
The first column shows the patient ID numver. All positive values after that are blood pressure readings. The blood pressure data for each patient is terminated by a negative value. Write the pseudo code and draw a flow chart for a computer program using nested loops, which would do the following
-Print a header like the one below
Patient ID Average Blood Presure
-Processes the data file and prints for each patient, th ID number and the average blood
pressure/ For example for the first patient it will print.
4538 154.75
(Hints: the outer loop would be EOF controlled. The inner loop will be trailer logic or sentinel controlled.)