Is it possible to make a column on my database that automatically copy another column on the same table string together with another url?

for example on my database "ewelby_k5" I want to create a new column called (fullthumb) on table "files" where "fullthumb" stores " + column "thumb" "

so that I will get on "fullthumb" column

Create a column in the table with ALTER TABLE command. Then execute the following query

fullthumb = CONCAT('', thumb);

Create a column in the table with ALTER TABLE command. Then execute the following query

fullthumb = CONCAT('', thumb);

will this code be ran all the time to always update

Or you can create a trigger to UPDATE this for you when a new record is inserted.

Or you can create a trigger to UPDATE this for you when a new record is inserted. how would i create a trigger to by default store "'" and add thumb to it.

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