
I am trying to set up remote access to mysql on a headless server. From what I have read this can be done by installing phpmyadmin on the client pc. Is this all I need?

I have changed the entry in my.cnf "bind = localhost" to "bind = ipofserver". Not sure if this was necessary as it is an internal ip and I only need access from within the network.

I believe I must also change config.inc.php on the client to include details of the server I wish to connect with.

If someone could advise me whether I am on the right lines here as I do not want to do anything that will compromise the security of the server.

Thanks in advance.

What OS and what webserver are you using

I am trying to set up remote access to mysql on a headless server. From what I have read this can be done by installing phpmyadmin on the client pc.

No thats wrong. the idea is to install PHPMyAdmin and host it the web server on the mysql server.

Its a web application. You can then use the web interface to control the server remotely.

The server is running ubuntu 6.06lts and I am running debian. I am trying to set it up so it can be accessed from a windows xp machine. The ubuntu server has no x-window system and is command line only.

I thought I was getting somewhere... lol, clearly not. Any help greatly appreciated.

If I type http://ipofserver/phpmyadmin/ I get a page of text starting with <?php

Idealy I would like to use https instead of http. I have set up a root mysql password but it did not ask for it??

Yeah I have all the correct packages installed (apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql phpmyadmin ssh).

I have also created mysql user and given permission for access from my pc. (I followed guide peter_budo suggested, thanks).

When I enter "http://ipofserevr/phpmyadmin" I am still getting this text page -

/* $Id: index.php,v 2.33 2006/01/17 17:02:28 cybot_tm Exp $ */
// vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4:
* forms frameset
* @uses libraries/common.lib.php global fnctions
* @uses libraries/relation.lib.php table relations
* @uses $GLOBALS
* @uses $GLOBALS............

As the server is internal it's domain name is made up, when I start apache I get a message -

"unable to lookup SERVER.example.com via gethostbyname()"

I was thinking of changing the /etc/hostname entry to the ip address of the server, not sure if this is a security mistake or not?

Have resolved issue with -
"unable to lookup SERVER.example.com via gethostbyname()"
the /etc/hosts file didn't have the correct info.

Will keep trying to sort why when trying to access phpmyadmin on server I get a txt file and not a login page ???

Are you bound to PHPMYADMIN on the XP side. If you just want to connect to the database remotely you can get the community edition of SQLyog for free at this site.

Ok for some reason it appears that apache does not have access to php causing text to be displayed when I try to load phpmyadmin. Am going to reinstall apache and php to sort. I didn't want to do this but my newbie knowledge has reached its limit.

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