
I have 3 sentences in table. These are the sentences.

Spatio-temporal tracking and phylodynamics prm.

These are prM based values.

All MR values are greater intensity than PRM vales.

Values specified are equal to PRm values and PRM-lacZ.

If user specifies the query like this: prm* i want to retrieve all these rows.

I tried the query like this:

select data from allarticles where MATCH sentences AGAINST('prm*' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

The problem with the above query is not fetching the rows properly.

How can i get all the rows when user specifies "prm*"???

'*' indicates all the variations of prm!

How can i get all variations of prm??


Use % (percent) pattern match character.

Use % (percent) pattern match character.


I tried like this but still i am not getting all the rows matching with prm

Here is the query:

select data from allarticles where MATCH sentences AGAINST('prm*%' IN BOOLEAN MODE);#Tried like this

select data from allarticles where MATCH sentences AGAINST('%prm*%' IN BOOLEAN MODE);#Tried like this

Both are not retrieving all rows!!

Any idea??

How can i retrieve all the rows ???


Incorrect syntax:

select data from allarticles where MATCH(author,titles,sentenses)   AGAINST('+Computer History Oreally' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

Incorrect syntax:

select data from allarticles where MATCH(author,titles,sentenses)   AGAINST('+Computer History Oreally' IN BOOLEAN MODE);


But if user gives like this compute* than which syntax we have to use?

Anyways i tried above syntax its not retrieving any rows!!

How can i retrieve all rows???



A link for you.


I went through the link and tried the syntax but still it is not picking all the rows.

I have rows like this:

vaccine encoding prM-E protein from Japanese encephalitis virus

dengue-3 virus prM and E proteins

These 2 rows are not picked up!!

I tried query like this:

select data from allarticles where MATCH sentences AGAINST('+prm*' IN BOOLEAN MODE);

Any ideas to retrieve these rows???

Many such rows are missed i.e not retrieved!!

How can i retrieve all the rows??


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