TBotNik 0 Newbie Poster


Having a problem with process flow while printing.

I have a process that:

1. Pulls and Prints a summary sheet grouped by client (report 1),
2. Pulls and Prints a seperator page with Client Name (report 2),
3. Pulls and Prints the Client tickets for the Client (report 3)

Problem is each is suppose to wait on the other and additionally I have a pop-up which is suppose to allow the user to select whether he/she wants to just print or preview any or each.

Right now they both run ahead of each other and additionally do not wait for input from the form.

Here is my code:

Sub Run()
    Call Mak_Tmp("tmpREPfnr")
    Call Sav_Tmp("tmpREPfnr", "tblMODfnr")
'    DoCmd.OpenForm "pfmPRTopts"
    DoCmd.OpenForm "pfmPRTopts", acNormal, , , , acDialog
    If PrtOps = 2 Or PrtOps = 3 Then
        Call Run_Rep("repINVreview", acViewPreview)
        Call Run_Rep("repINVreview", Null)
    End If
    If PrtOps = 3 Or PrtOps = 4 Then
        Call Run_TS("tblMODfnr", acViewPreview)
        Call Run_TS("tblMODfnr", Null)
    End If
End Sub
Sub Run_Rep(myRpt, myOpts)
    FrmEDate = TargetForm![tboxEDT]         ' Set Report Dates
    FrmSDate = TargetForm![tboxSDT]
    If IsNull(myOpts) Then
'        DoCmd.OpenReport myRpt
        DoCmd.OpenReport myRpt, , , , acDialog
'        DoCmd.OpenReport myRpt, myOpts
        DoCmd.OpenReport myRpt, myOpts, , , acDialog
    End If
End Sub
Sub Run_TS(mySTBL, myOpts)
    Dim dbs As DAO.Database, WSp As DAO.Workspace, RSc As DAO.Recordset, RSs As DAO.Recordset
    Dim SQLstm, SQLstr, WHRstr
    DATbeg = TargetForm![tboxSDT]
    DATend = TargetForm![tboxEDT]
    FMTbeg = DateSerial(Year(DATbeg), Month(DATbeg), Day(DATbeg))
    FMTend = DateSerial(Year(DATend), Month(DATend), Day(DATend))
    SQLstm = "INSERT INTO tblTIMrep ( trp_ahr, trp_aml, trp_anl, trp_bhr, trp_bnl, " & _
             "trp_bml, trp_cln, trp_eby, trp_ccf, trp_pno, trp_pds, trp_tno, trp_pty, " & _
             "trp_wdt, trp_wid, trp_win, trp_wir, trp_wit, trp_xir ) SELECT b.tmp_ahr, " & _
             "b.tmp_aml, b.tmp_anl, b.tmp_bhr, b.tmp_bnl, b.tmp_bml, b.tmp_cnm, b.tmp_int, " & _
             "b.tmp_nik, b.tmp_pno, b.tmp_pnm, b.tmp_tno, b.tmp_typ, b.tmp_wdt, b.tmp_wid, " & _
             "b.tmp_win, b.tmp_wir, b.tmp_wit, b.tmp_xar FROM tblMODfnr as b "
    SQLstr = "SELECT DISTINCT tmp_cnm FROM " & mySTBL & ";"
    Set dbs = CurrentDb
    Set WSp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
    Set RSc = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQLstr, dbReadOnly)
    With RSc
        For n = 1 To .RecordCount
            If IsNull(myOpts) Then
'                DoCmd.OpenReport "repCLIsep"
                DoCmd.OpenReport "repCLIsep", , , , acDialog
'                DoCmd.OpenReport "repCLIsep", myOpts
                DoCmd.OpenReport "repCLIsep", myOpts, , , acDialog
            End If
            RepClient = ![tmp_cnm]
            MsgBox "Client is => " & RepClient
            WHRstr = "WHERE ((b.tmp_cnm = '" & RepClient & "')) AND " & _
                     "(((b.tmp_wdt >= #" & FMTbeg & "# AND b.tmp_wdt <= #" & FMTend & "#)) OR " & _
                     "((b.tmp_ted >= #" & FMTbeg & "#) AND (b.tmp_ted <= #" & FMTend & "#))) " & _
                     "ORDER By [tmp_wdt] desc;"
            SQLstm = SQLstm & WHRstr
            DoCmd.SetWarnings False
            DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tblTIMrep"
            DoCmd.RunSQL SQLstm
            DoCmd.SetWarnings True
            If IsNull(myOpts) Then
'                DoCmd.OpenReport "repTIMsht"
                DoCmd.OpenReport "repTIMsht", , , , acDialog
'                DoCmd.OpenReport "repTIMsht", myOpts
                DoCmd.OpenReport "repTIMsht", myOpts, , , acDialog
            End If
        Next n
    End With
    Set RSc = Nothing
    Set WSp = Nothing
    Set dbs = Nothing
End Sub

I did not include the code for the first two modules as they just build tables and save the data needed for the reports to run and work fine.

As you can see I orginally did not have "acDialog" on my pop-up form "pfmPRTopts", or my reports and when I added it flow stopped at the form until I set the value and flow was sequential for the reports.

But this report, with the dates I've selected for it, has 3 clients on the form, so my "FOR" loop in the last subroutine, should loop, but it is not.

Therefore I put in the "msgbox" statement just to track and prove it is somehow taking a false exit.

Any suggestions as to why?
