I"m new to this site so i"m not sure is this question has been answered before but i"ll ask it anyways. i have a simple small access database and i need to create a link between it and our website but i'm not sure how to go about it. what scripting language should i use to create this link?.

much thanks.

Your best and simplest solution is to use ASP which will require you to install IIS from windows cd. And for how to do it, there are 1000s of codes describing connecting ASP to DB on the web.

me personally. i would transfer everything from the access db to sql express. but that is just me

I have the same question. I am sure it is fairly simple. Have you found results yet?

Your best and simplest solution is to use ASP which will require you to install IIS from windows cd. And for how to do it, there are 1000s of codes describing connecting ASP to DB on the

thank you. I heard about asp.net, I will try it out

On a related note. I'm trying to upload buddypress visitor maps to my website. Unfortunately, this requires uploading geolitecity.dat which is a 30mb file. I am on byethost which has a file upload size limit of 10mb. Therefore I have uploaded the file to an external website here.


Is there anyway to link the file to the site so that the plugin can run correctly.

Thanks for your time,

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