Greetings all!

To get to the point, I'm having issues accessing SQL databases. The specific error is as follows:

Connection failed:
SQL state: '28000'
SQL Server Error:18452
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

Here's the setup:

The workstation(s) and the SQL Server are in different Windows Domains - no trust relationship allowed. The DBs are Access front-ends and I've set up an ODBC connection to the SQL Server using SQL authentication and it passes all tests. The SQL Server is set up in mixed authentication mode (I've scoured Microsoft Support on this). When the user(s) attempt to access the DB, they recieve the above error, followed by a SQL Authentication box. If you clear the trusted connection box and enter in the SQL account password, you get a little farther before getting another 18452 error and the cycle starts again until whatever form/report/query opens.

To me, this seems like a timeout issue. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

The SQL Server is running on a 2K3 server and the clients are 2K.

Thanks in advance,

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Connection failed:
SQL state: '28000'
SQL Server Error:18452
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

The error report shows that it is not sending the username being '(null)'. I would make sure Access is asking for a login. If it were the login itself, you would recieve a SQL error like ID 'so-and-so' isn't a valid username, or something on those lines. So it might be an Access problem.

Thanks, I'll give that a check and report back.


I have the exact error and i'm doing .NET 2003 and Crystal 8.5. I had to create the report by ODBC because of not passing fields correctly (OLE DB sends the data over as string but cuts it off at 255 characters but ODBC passes it as a memo so the whole field can be viewed). I get the same error and I can't seem to trace it. Can I ask Matt are you using a connection string?Did you get this issue fixed?

To the best of my knowledge, no we're not using a connection string. The issue is still outstanding with us, and the only way I've been able to work around it for the time being is to join a workstation to the same domain as the SQL server and things work fine. Unfortunately the scope of our pending accreditation will not allow for network connected clients belonging to that domain.

I'm trying to work within the enterprise security boundries of our oganization.

Need some clarification. I am due to start a project on developing a video rental system, a major part of which involves building a database using SQL Server 2005. Like other systems development processes, I would expect the development of this system to follow the normal procedure, i.e using the following steps in order:
1 Requirements gathering and Analysis
2 Requirements specification
3 System(database design): ERD, followed by logical ERD, normalisation, convert logical ERD into physical database objects(tables, columns, keys)
4 Implement the database using a RDMS (in this case SQL Server 2005). And then produce the report which will also include processes undertaken to accomplish the project and give evaluation.

BUT in the case of my project, the client has specified the requirements for the system, among other things, the cliebt needs to perform queries to retrieve details of available videos, videos on loan etc. The client has specified the RDMS to use (SQL Server 2005) and he has detailed the tables and all fields. The client has provided the entity relationship diagram for the database tables. My question is that I do not know where to start from to develop the database. I have a feeling that the requirements gathering, specification, design (entity relationship diagrams etc), physical designs like tables have arleady been accomplished by the client themslves. Should I start by building the database straight away using SQL Server 2005. What do you think about this?

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