I have a slight problem. I am trying to create a mail service for a new game which I have started creating recently. Each user that registers also creates a table for their mail. As the usernames are variable and the table name is the username, I need to insert messages, subjects and "froms" into this variable table.
I am using the following code:
$to = $_SESSION["to"];
$subject = $_SESSION["subject"];
$message = $_SESSION["message"];
$from = $_SESSION["username"];
echo "To: $to<br>";
echo "Subject: $subject<br>";
echo "Message: $message<br>";
echo "From: $from<br>";
include 'connection.php';
if ($to <> "") {
if ($subject <> "") {
if ($message <> "") {
$rsusers = $conn->Execute("INSERT INTO $to (subject, message, from) VALUES('$subject', '$message', '$from')");
The problem is that it will not accept $to as the table name - it just comes up with some nasty error about the syntax of my insert statement. Can anyone help me on this, please?