I am using MySQL Version 5.0.45. I am getting time out error while trying to access large data.
I am performing 2 operations:
a) I am loading the data file into the database
b) I am retrieving the data from the database.
1) Loading the data file into the database.
I have 9000 entries in my file. I am using by tab separated delimiter to delimit the field and loading into the database by the following command.
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/home/group1/cgi-bin/pubmed_abstract/writecatg.txt' INTO TABLE limits_title FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' (sentences, searchterm, ids)
#Here is the sample data:
Perl is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language with over 22 years of development.| PERL | 32
2) Retrieving the data.
In order to retrieve the data i am using "select" query and free full text searching for the user given query term (User will give search term say "Perl" the records that has term Perl will be retrieved).
I am retrieving data like this:
select * from limits_title where title RLIKE'[[:<:]]perl[[:>:]]';
Most of the times user will give Boolean combination (For Example: PERL OR phython)
The problem now is some times the result will not be displayed or it gives timed out error.
How can i solve this problem?
Is there any method available such that i can fasten the retrieval and loading process?
I am using PERL DBI to connect to MySQL.
Any suggestions?