Hi all !
I 'll a lucky guy if there 's someone who had experiences in using SQL Developer - connected with Oracle Database ( 10g Express ) ^^
I created a simple TRIGGER to print something out, for example :
create or replace trigger AUTO_OUT
before insert on EMPLOYEE
for each row
And when I tested it on SQL Developer with this :
VALUES ('John', 'B', 'Smith', '099999781', '09-JAN-65', '731 Fondren Houston TX', 'M', 30000, '333445555', 5);
It didn't work ! So I searched and found a solution, add this before the INSERT :
set serveroutput on;
But that command can't be placed inside of a trigger, and I must run it and each INSERT command together ! So I keep searching and found another direction : write some additional code to the file "glogin.sql" ( or even "login.sql" ) to set the serveroutput on each time you log in . I found that file on my system, but it 's seem I 've no sense in editing its code ... >"<
Sorry for my lecture >"< . But I really need your help ... thanx all ^^