I'm currently linking two different tables in two different databases. One contains all the info from a product, while the othe contains information about the installation of the product. The SQL I use only returns those products that HAVE an entry in my install table, but many don't ie they were installed before installation notes were kept.
How do I get it that I can see all products and install notes for those that have an entry in install table. IO presume it's something to do with my 'AND' statement but not syre how to remedy it
SELECT prodmanage.user.id, prodmanage.widescreen_user.user_id, prodmanage.widescreen.name, prodmanage.user.username, prodmanage.user.password, prodmanage.widescreen.location, prodmanage.widescreen.serial_no, prodmanage.widescreen.last_access_date, prodmanage.widescreen.status, prodmanage.widescreen.proprietor, prodmanage.widescreen.phone, installation.install.id, installation.install.installer, installation.install.widescreen_id, prodmanage.widescreen.id, installation.install.install_notes, installation.install.status
FROM prodmanage.user, prodmanage.widescreen_user, prodmanage.widescreen, installation.install
WHERE prodmanage.user.id = prodmanage.widescreen_user.user_id AND prodmanage.widescreen.id = prodmanage.widescreen_user.widescreen_id AND installation.install.widescreen_id = prodmanage.widescreen.id
ORDER BY prodmanage.widescreen.name ASC