
i want to add an end time in my query using my time to call column.

at the moment i have a time to call which will be the start time however i want to add timetocall as endtime which is 15 mins after the timetocall column.

i am syncing this to outlook that is why i need the two and at moment it is not possible to add another column to the existing database.

here is my query:

SELECT tasks.TaskID, tasks.TaskAdded, tasks.TaskType, tasks.Urgent, tasks.clients_ClientID, tasks.TaskTitle, tasks.ProductAssociated, tasks.TaskDescription, tasks.FurtherAction, tasks.Documents_DocID, tasks.Tasks_UserID, tasks.Task_AddedByUserID, tasks.TaskDueDate, tasks.TimeToCall, tasks.Completed, users.UserID, users.FullName, clients.ClientID, clients.App1FirstName, clients.App1LastName, clients.ClientUserID
FROM tasks JOIN users on Tasks_UserID = users.UserID LEFT JOIN clients ON tasks.clients_ClientID = clients.ClientID

not sure how to ADDTIME() to the timetocall and use this as an alias of "EndTimeToCall" ??

any help appreciated.

many thanks

thansk for the help that sorted it.

had to take the s off minutes to make it MINUTE

thanks again

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