leahrose87 0 Light Poster

Hello friends!
I am creating a report, Abstract of Bid/Canvass, which will show all the supplier who bids. This also show what item is awarded to a certain supplier through showing the item row number and ranging it like 1-5.
I've already created stored procedure that will show the range(s) of item awarded to a certain supplier but it only show the correct range(s) if all item is awarded to one supplier.
What I problem now is how to get the row number of each item of a certain supplier?
Note: Row number of each item is the to all suppliers.
Any help is much appreciated.

This is my stored procedure used to display the range(s) of the items awarded to a bidder:

Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[spReport_i_BidAwardTo]
	-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here	
	@PR_No as varchar(50)
	create table #updatedata(
		SuppName varchar(200),
		ranges varchar(1000))
	create table #item(
		Item_No int,
		Item_ID int,
		Item_Desc varchar(200),
		IsAward bit)
	create table #num(num int)

	create table #supplier(
		supplier_ID int,
		suppname varchar(1000))
	insert into #supplier
	SELECT    Distinct i_Bidder_Dtl.Supplier_Id, m_Supplier.SuppName
	FROM      i_Bidder_Dtl INNER JOIN
              m_Supplier ON i_Bidder_Dtl.Supplier_ID = m_Supplier.Supplier_Id INNER JOIN
              i_Bidder_hdr ON i_Bidder_Dtl.BidHdr_ID = i_Bidder_hdr.BidHdr_ID
	WHERE     dbo.i_Bidder_Hdr.PR_No = @PR_No

	declare @Item_No as varchar(100)
	declare @Supplier_ID as int
	declare @isAward as bit
	declare @SuppName as varchar(200)
	declare @prevNo as int
	declare	@currNo as int
	declare	@ranges as varchar(1000)
	declare @minRange as varchar(100)
	declare @maxRange as varchar(100)
	set @prevNo=0
	set @currNo=0
	set @isAward=0
	declare mySupp cursor fast_forward for
		select Supplier_ID, suppname from #supplier
	open mySupp
	fetch next from mySupp into @Supplier_ID,@SuppName
		while @@fetch_status=0
			print 'Supplier Name: ' + cast(@Supplier_ID as varchar(50))+ ' ' + cast(@SuppName as varchar(500))
			insert into #item
			SELECT DISTINCT Row_Number() Over (order by @@rowcount) as item_No, i_Bidder_Dtl.Item_ID,
					m_item.Item_Desc, i_Bidder_dtl.is_award 
			FROM         i_Bidder_Dtl INNER JOIN
						  m_item ON i_Bidder_Dtl.Item_ID = m_item.Item_ID INNER JOIN
						  i_Bidder_hdr ON i_Bidder_Dtl.BidHdr_ID = i_Bidder_hdr.BidHdr_ID
			WHERE i_Bidder_Dtl.Supplier_ID=@Supplier_ID	and i_bidder_hdr.PR_No=@PR_No 
			declare myItem cursor fast_forward for
				 select Item_No, isaward from #item
			open myItem
			fetch next from myItem into @Item_No,@isAward
--				print 'Item NO:'+ cast(@item_No	as varchar(50))
--				print 'Is award: ' + cast(@isaward as varchar(50))
				while @@fetch_status=0
					--if an item is not awarded to a supplier	
--					if @isAward = 0	
--						-- set the @ranges to null
--						set @ranges = null		
--					 --else if an item is awarded to a supplier		
--					Else 
					print 'Item NO:'+ cast(@item_No	as varchar(50))
					print 'Is award: ' + cast(@isaward as varchar(50))
					if @isAward = 1
						-- set current number to item number
						set @currNo = @Item_No		
						--if ranges is empty				
						if @ranges is null 
							set @ranges = @currNo--cast(@Item_No as varchar(500))
							insert into #num
							Select @currNo						
							if @currNo <> (@prevNo + 1) 
								if @ranges is not null
									set @ranges = @ranges + ',' + @minRange
									--empty table #numRange
									delete #num
									insert into #num
									Select @currNo
									set @minRange = (Select min(num) from #num)
									set @maxRange = (Select max(num) from #num)
								insert into #num
								Select @currNo
								set @minRange = (Select min(num) from #num)
								set @maxRange = (Select max(num) from #num)
								if @minRange=@maxRange
									set @ranges = @maxRange
									set @ranges = @minRange + '-'+ @maxRange						

						print 'Current_No:' + cast(@currNo as varchar(50))
						print 'Previous_No:' + cast(@prevNo as varchar(50))	
						print 'range:' + cast(@ranges as varchar(100))
--						insert into #num
--						Select @currNo
					set @prevNo = @currNo
					fetch next from myItem into @Item_No,@isAward
			close myItem
			deallocate myItem
			insert into #updatedata
			Select @SuppName, @ranges
			set @currNo = 0 
			set @prevNo = @currNo
			set @ranges = null			
			print 'ranges: new supplier'
--			set @ranges = @ranges + '  -  ' + @SuppName	
			fetch next from mySupp into @Supplier_ID,@SuppName
	close mySupp
	deallocate mySupp
	Select * from #updateData WHERE ranges IS NOT NULL	

Result for this stored procedure:
Supplier Name Ranges
fderwe 1-5

Expected Result:
Supplier Name Ranges
fgdfhg 1-3,8
rdgfdg 4-6
eosjg 7

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