I have been working on a database in MS Accesss. I am trying to generate a query in the SQL view but the introduction to SQL class I am taking did not cover how to incorporate multiple WHERE conditions.
Here is the query so far...
SELECT intFID, COUNT(*) AS TotalAudits, AVG(strActualScore/strPossibleScore*100) AS FaciltiyAverage
FROM tblQAMain
This works perfectly but my difficulty is that I also want to add 4 more columns to this query to display the following data as part of the results:
COUNT (*) AS TotalMicrobial WHERE strATID = 'AT1'
AVG (strActualScore/strPossibleScore*100) AS AverageMicrobial WHERE strATID = 'AT1'
COUNT (*) AS TotalVisual WHERE strATID = 'AT2'
AVG (strActualScore/strPossibleScore*100) AS AverageVisual WHERE strATID = 'AT2'
I would like the entire query to group the results by intFID.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give.