khaled_jawaher -2 Junior Poster in Training

pls,i need help in inserting a date from a text field using java, to mssql database.
i am getting incorrect date for example when i insert 13/3/2010,i am getting the date
1/3/2011.i want a solution,i've searched a lot but useless.the problem is in mssql not java,so what i can do to configure date to accept dd\MM\yyyy
the code is:

Java Syntax (Toggle Plain Text)

try{                java.util.Date d;                 String s;                d = new java.util.Date(t.getText().trim());                SimpleDateFormat df =new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");                s=df.format(d);                System.out.println(s);                Class.forName("");                Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection               ("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=employee;user=sa;password=moujtaba");                 Statement insert=conn.createStatement();                insert.executeUpdate("insert into constructionmaterial(inward,date,reference) values (15,'" + s + "',1)");                }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe)                 {                  System.err.println(cnfe);                 }               catch (SQLException sqle)                {                 System.err.println(sqle);                }           } try{
                java.util.Date d; 
                String s;
                d = new java.util.Date(t.getText().trim());
                SimpleDateFormat df =new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
                Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection               ("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=employee;user=sa;password=moujtaba"); 
                Statement insert=conn.createStatement();
                insert.executeUpdate("insert into constructionmaterial(inward,date,reference) values (15,'" + s + "',1)");
               }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) 
               catch (SQLException sqle) 