Hey all;
I'm working on a forum/blog engine, and I basically want some opinions on whether or not I should separate the forum and blog as two separate entities or combine them into some hybrid type of table.
At the moment, I'm working on the ER diagram, and they're separate, but I'm wondering if thats the best way to go. In my way of thinking, the site editors will be making use of the site's blog, while the users will make use of the forum(mods will just supervise); thats why I'm using separate tables & such.
But then, I end up having very similar tables related to them such as the report table where people flag a post or flag a blog response. The tables are pretty much exactly the same except for the post/blog id field. Should I just make one table with two fields one for a blog id (if its a blog response that's being reported) and one for a post id?
Your thoughts are appreciated.