Hey guys,

What are your opinions on rating systems in this case? I have users submitting ideas. Now other users can rate an idea UP or DOWN. I want to keep track of what user rates what idea, up or down, and want to be able to display this information on a page of my site, ordering by highest rated ideas or lowest rated ideas.

Is this the best way to go about this?

[B]IDEAS Table[/B]
ideaID                    (auto increment prim key)
ideaText                   (actual paragraph of text detailing idea)
userID           (userid of user that submitted idea)
[B]RATINGS Table[/B]
ratingID       (auto increment prim key)
rateType       (single boolean, 0 for rate down, 1 for rate up)
userID        (userid who rated)
ideaID        (ideaid of the idea being rated)

So is this approach the best approach here? The only thing I fear is (definitely hypothetical) what if there are 1 million users, and 1 million ideas, and they each make ratings on many ideas. This means there will be millions of records in the ratings table. Is this still efficient ??

Hey guys,

What are your opinions on rating systems in this case? I have users submitting ideas. Now other users can rate an idea UP or DOWN. I want to keep track of what user rates what idea, up or down, and want to be able to display this information on a page of my site, ordering by highest rated ideas or lowest rated ideas.

Is this the best way to go about this?

[B]IDEAS Table[/B]
ideaID                    (auto increment prim key)
ideaText                   (actual paragraph of text detailing idea)
userID           (userid of user that submitted idea)
[B]RATINGS Table[/B]
ratingID       (auto increment prim key)
rateType       (single boolean, 0 for rate down, 1 for rate up)
userID        (userid who rated)
ideaID        (ideaid of the idea being rated)

So is this approach the best approach here? The only thing I fear is (definitely hypothetical) what if there are 1 million users, and 1 million ideas, and they each make ratings on many ideas. This means there will be millions of records in the ratings table. Is this still efficient ??

nvm i got it. and idk how to mark this as solved

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