1.Procedure named *ship_order* that will accept an order# parameter. It should verify that the ship date for the order# is null and each book ordered has a sufficient quantity on hand. If every book is available, the quantity on hand for each book should be decremented and the ship date for the order should be updated to the current date.
This is what i have so far but i don't think i'm anywhere close to right
create or replace
p_ORDER# in orders.order#%type,
p_quantity out orderitems.quantity%type,
p_shipdate out orders.shipdate%type,
p_on_hand out books.on_hand_quantity%type
) AS
cursor cur_ship_order is
select i.quantity, o.shipdate, b.on_hand_quantity
into p_quantity, p_shipdate, p_on_hand
from orderitems i, orders o, books b
where b.isbn = i.isbn
AND i.order# = p_order# AND o.shipdate is NULL;
for i in cur_ship_order loop
if p_quantity > 0 then