Hey Guys,
Must be "a case of the MONDAYS" =)
I'm trying count the results of a query of two tables. The following gives me:
Column 'id' in field list is ambiguous
Which I can understand as MYSQL is not sure which result I am asking for.
$query = "select count(id) as auctions from DSI_auctions a, DSI_users u WHERE a.current_bid>'0' AND a.closed<>'0' AND a.suspended='0' AND a.shipped<>'1' AND a.current_bid>reserve_price AND u.account<>'9999999'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
print "$ERR_001<BR>$query<BR>".mysql_error();
$num_auctions = mysql_result($result,0,"auctions");
The goal here is to pull auctions won by "account" type. The problem is "account" type is in another table. In the users table.
What I am asking MYSQL to do is to find all the auctions that have closed with a winner and then only return results where the winner is of a speciifc account type.
"I need my red stapler back"