CREATE PROC [dbo].[INRv2_GetAllSavedJobs]
SELECT plm.jobcode [Job No],si.seminartitle [Seminar Title]
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT pm.jobNo jobcode FROM inr_mailinglist pm) plm
INNER JOIN (SELECT js.jobno, sm.seminartitle
FROM inr_seminarmaster sm
INNER JOIN inr_jobshedule js
ON sm.seminarid =js.seminarid) si
ON plm.jobcode =si.jobno
ORDER BY plm.jobcode
This SP retruns [Job No] rows but when other SP runs to delete and write these table (inr_mailinglist), return 0 rows. I want to force to get [job no] rows return while this table is deleting or writing by job number by other SP. I am a beginner. Please help me.