Hi, I'm making a webpage where it allows users to online book like let's say on a hotel, how do I show the users on the site the unfilled slots (dates and time) on the database? I'm using MS Access.

Member Avatar for LastMitch


I'm using MS Access.

Since you want a unfill slot (dates and time) in database?

Have you created a time slot?

I think you are missing a step.

In order to create a slot you first have to create a slot where it's an unfilled slot show that the hotel is filled.

Another words you need another column for the unfilled slot.

Do you have a query of what you have so far?

It's not just another column, but a table with slots for each of your resources (if this is a hotel for each of your rooms).

I suggest you show us what you've done already or at least post the relationships, so that we can understand the structure you are using.

Member Avatar for LastMitch

It's not just another column, but a table with slots for each of your resources (if this is a hotel for each of your rooms).

Really. I thought it was very simple by add a column but you make a good point about another table with slots for each room. That make more sense. I think Daigan might have to post the code of what he has done so far.

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