This is my SQL statement..

SQL Statement: SELECT tbl_subjectsenrolled.SubjectID, tbl_subject.SubjectDesc, studentsubjectgrade.Finals
FROM tbl_subject
INNER JOIN tbl_subjectsenrolled
ON tbl_subject.SubjectID=tbl_subjectsenrolled.SubjectID
INNER JOIN studentsubjectgrade
ON tbl_subjectsenrolled.SubjectID=studentsubjectgrade.subjectID
WHERE studentsubjectgrade.StudentID='04-0044'

But the OUTPUT is this:

SubjectID1 SubjectDesc1 Finals1
SubjectID1 SubjectDesc1 Finals1
SubjectID2 SubjectDesc2 Finals2
SubjectID2 SubjectDesc2 Finals2

Instead of this:
SubjectID1 SubjectDesc1 Finals1
SubjectID2 SubjectDesc2 Finals2

What is wrong with my SQL statement? Pls help..

please show your table structure,so that i can help.

tbl_subject - SubjectCode(PK), SubjectDesc, Units
tbl_subjectsenrolled - ID(PK)(auto increment), StudentID, Academicyr, Semester
register - StudentID(PK), Fullname, password, EmailAdd, Address
studentsubjectgrade - GradeID(PK), SubjectOfferingID, SubjectCode, StudentID, Finals, Remarks


Those are the structures in my tables..


SELECT DISTINCT(tbl_subjectsenrolled.SubjectID), tbl_subject.SubjectDesc, studentsubjectgrade.Finals
FROM tbl_subject
INNER JOIN tbl_subjectsenrolled
ON tbl_subject.SubjectID=tbl_subjectsenrolled.SubjectID
INNER JOIN studentsubjectgrade
ON tbl_subjectsenrolled.SubjectID=studentsubjectgrade.subjectID
WHERE studentsubjectgrade.StudentID='04-0044'

Thanks for the help..I solved it using your SQL statement.

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