Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'some_user'@'abcd.efgh.com' (using password: YES) in /home/some_dir/public_html/some_dir/db.php on line 1
Fatal Error: MySql connection failed.Access denied for user 'some_user'@'abcd.efgh.com' (using password: YES)

Here is my code of db.php

<?php $connect = mysql_connect('www.example.com','some_user','some_password');
die('Fatal Error: MySql connection failed.' . mysql_error());

$connect_db = mysql_select_db('db_name');
die('Fatal Error: Could not connect with database.') 

Access denied for user 'some_user'@'abcd.efgh.com'

some_user does not have priviliges to login in, or you provided the wrong password.

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