Please help me to correct this, because its relpy:

Access denied for user 'flasycom@localho'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

and this is my database setup

//Only edit the following 4 varibles
$SQLhost = /* SQL Host */ 'localhost';
$SQLuser = /* SQL Username */ 'flasycom_admin';
$SQLpass = /* SQL Password */ 'household';
$SQLdb = /* SQL Database */ 'flasycom_flashysky';
// DO NOT EDIT - editing this can/will break the connection string.
$con = mysql_connect("$SQLhost","$SQLuser","$SQLpass") or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("$SQLdb") or die (mysql_error());

Read your error. Connection to host was established , but username and/or password are wrong.

are you sure that the db has password? or why commenting that way its better you move your comment to the end of each statement.

Thanks alot.

i have corrected the mistake and it has connected to the data base.

but when i click login, it will now display (SELECT*FROM members WHERE email='wareez' AND password ='lord'

The login box is not working. also the registration form too will submit the form to the database but it did not load the user homepage after the successfull registration.

please help me.

We can't help you because the code you posted above does not pertain to these problems.
You will need to post the codes that are causing you these problems.

Also, you may want to pm a moderator and ask for them to move this thread to the PHP forum since this is more of a php related problem.

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