I am currently creating 'Routines' to speed up the analysis of the quiz data my database stores. One of the queries I have been using which I would like to turn into a Routine looks like this.
SELECT Candidate, QuizName, PercentageScore, PassFail
FROM Results
WHERE Candidate ='Joe Bloggs'
This works perfectly but in order to turn this into a 'Routine' I would have to create a 'Routine' for every single staff member using the quiz. Is there a way where I can have the 'Joe Bloggs' as a input. So I can call the rest of the code but input a different name.
CALL RoutineName 'Brian Smith'
To give Brians results.
CALL RoutineName 'Sarah Smith'
To give Sarahs results.
Is this possible?
Many thanks,
Will Voke