I am developing a inventory software in VB6 using MS Access 2010 as Database, We have a main Store where we receive Products from different Vendors and then distribute the products to our sub-stores located at different locations. I want to create a Periodic activity report of (Inventory) Products at each location like what was the Opening-Balance of each product at that particular location, how many New items were transferred, what was the quantity Returned and how many were sold. For which I have created two tables
Table Name : Store contain fields as under:
FieldName (Type)
ProductID (Text)
Onhand (Number)
LocationID (text)
ClosdingDate (Date)
ClosingQty (Number)
Field Name(Type)
LogDate (Date)
ProductID (Text)
LocationID (Text)
Rate (Number)
TransactionType Field contain the value like ( I, T, R and S) where (I =IN, T =Transfer, R=Retuned, S=Sale)
What will be the query for following report format. (Previous Balance is required from the last physical stock taking date say 30/08/2014)
From Dt:01/09/2014 | ToDt: 15/09/2014
LocationID ProductID RATE PreviousBalance Transfer Return Sale NewBalance
B AA1 1000 4 3 0 0 7
B AA2 2500 0 4 0 0 4
B BB1 3000 6 0 0 0 6
B BB2 1000 0 4 0 4 0
B BB3 1500 3 0 0 0 3
B CC1 3000 6 0 6 0 0
B CC3 1200 0 10 2 5 3
19 21 8 9 23