Hello All,

I want to start by saying thank you for your help and reviewing my post. I am relatively new to MySQL and databases in general so please be polite. I need help with some of my queries. I have done some but these are complex queries for me.

Find the movieID, title, and year, and the roleID and roleName in the join between the Movie and Role tables where the value of movieID is the same in both.

Find the roleID, quoteID, and quoteID in the join between the Quote and RoleQuote tables where the value of quoteID is the same in both.

Find all columns of the Cartesian product of the Movie and Role tables.

Find all columns of the Cartesian product of the Quote and RoleQuote tables.

Find the movieID, title, and year of movies, and the roleID and roleName of roles for the join of the Movie and Role tables where the gender of the role is female.

Find the roleID, quoteID, and quoteText in the join between the Quote and RoleQuote tables where the roleID is 00001 or 00003.

Find the movieID, title, and year of movies and the roleID and roleName of roles in the join of the Movie and Role tables. Order the results by the movieID.

Someone please help i am really despirate.

He's right. Can we see some code so we can fix it?

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