This problem's driving me crazy since yesterday. I have a table consist of 5 columns: kode_barang (item ID), nama_barang (name of item), qty (quantity), harga_beli (price), jumlah (total). User can input 2 items. This is the code of the form:
<HTML> <?php include "koneksi.php"; ?>
<form action="insert3.php" method="POST">
<table id="theTable" border="1">
<th> Kode Barang</th>
<th> Nama Barang </th>
<th> Qty </th>
<th> Harga Beli </th>
<th> Jumlah </th>
<td type="text" name="kode_barang" id="kode_barang1"/readonly>
$result = mysql_query("select * from input_data_barang");
$met = "var kode_barang = new Array();\n";
echo '<select name="kode_barang" onchange="changeValue1(this.value)">';
echo '<option></option>';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo '<option value="' . $row['kode_barang'] . '">' . $row['kode_barang'] . '</option>';
$met .= "kode_barang['" . $row['kode_barang'] . "'] = {name:'" . addslashes($row['nama_barang']) . "',desc:'".addslashes($row['nama_barang'])."'};\n";
echo '</select>';
</td> <td><input type="text" name="nama_barang" id="nama_barang1"/readonly>
<script type="text/javascript"> <?php echo $met; ?>
function changeValue1(id){
document.getElementById('kode_barang1').value = kode_barang[id].name;
document.getElementById('nama_barang1').value = kode_barang[id].desc;
<td><input class="valOne" type="text" name="qty"></td>
<td><input class="valTwo" type="text" name="harga_beli"></td>
<td><input class="result" type="text" name="jumlah"></td>
<td type="text" name="kode_barang" id="kode_barang2"/readonly>
$result = mysql_query("select * from input_data_barang");
$jsArray = "var kode_barang = new Array();\n";
echo '<select name="kode_barang" onchange="changeValue2(this.value)">';
echo '<option></option>';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo '<option value="' . $row['kode_barang'] . '">' . $row['kode_barang'] . '</option>';
$jsArray .= "kode_barang['" . $row['kode_barang'] . "'] = {name:'" . addslashes($row['nama_barang']) . "',desc:'".addslashes($row['nama_barang'])."'};\n";
echo '</select>';
<td><input type="text" name="nama_barang" id="nama_barang2"/readonly>
<script type="text/javascript"> <?php echo $jsArray; ?>
function changeValue2(id){
document.getElementById('kode_barang2').value = kode_barang[id].name;
document.getElementById('nama_barang2').value = kode_barang[id].desc;
</td> <td><input class="valOne" type="text" name="qty"></td>
<td><input class="valTwo" type="text" name="harga_beli"></td>
<td><input class="result" type="text" name="jumlah"></td>
document.getElementById("theTable").addEventListener("input", function(e) {
var row =
var val1 = row.querySelector(".valOne").value
var val2 = row.querySelector(".valTwo").value
row.querySelector(".result").value = val1 * val2
<td><input type="submit" value="OK"></a>
<input type="reset" value="Reset"></td>
And this is the connection to my database (insert3.php):
include "koneksi.php";
$query ="INSERT INTO faktur (kode_barang, nama_barang, qty, harga_beli, jumlah) VALUES ('".$kode_barang."', '".$nama_barang."', '".$qty."', '".$harga_beli."', '".$jumlah."'), ('".$kode_barang."', '".$nama_barang."', '".$qty."', '".$harga_beli."', '".$jumlah."')";
$sql =mysqli_query($connect, $query);
if ($sql){
header ("location: faktur.php");
echo "Error.";
echo "<br><a href='input_faktur.php'>Back</a>";
Notice that my 'Kode Barang' is a dropdown option, and everytime a user click an item ID, name of the item will be shown automatically in 'Nama Barang' column. Everything in this page works perfectly.
But, when I saved it to database, it didn't save both of the items (item in the first row and the second row). Database only saved the second item but saved it twice. When I add a row to the table become 3 rows, database only save the third item and save it three times.
I've tried to add [] to the name, like name=kode_barang[]
and name=nama_barang[]
, but database didn't save the item ID, but only show "Array" text in mysql.
Would anybody please help me with this? Thanks.