phphp 14 Junior Poster in Training 6 Years Ago Sir I have this data Group by hours Or First value of every hour Please help sql 0 0 Share AndrisP 193 Posting Pro in Training 6 Years Ago Copy to Clipboardselect min(`Date`), `Qty` from `tablename` group by extract(hour from `Date`); 0 0 Share AndrisP 193 Posting Pro in Training 6 Years Ago Sorry on MS SQL server use datepart instead of extract 0 0 Share Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reply to this topic Be a part of the DaniWeb community We're a friendly, industry-focused community of developers, IT pros, digital marketers, and technology enthusiasts meeting, networking, learning, and sharing knowledge. Sign Up — It's Free!
AndrisP 193 Posting Pro in Training 6 Years Ago Copy to Clipboardselect min(`Date`), `Qty` from `tablename` group by extract(hour from `Date`); 0 0 Share
AndrisP 193 Posting Pro in Training 6 Years Ago Sorry on MS SQL server use datepart instead of extract 0 0 Share