I would like to develop an attendence regiater for my company. i would like to use,Mongodatabase,node.js and javasscript am i the register should the availble on an link. am i in the right track

Can you give a more in depth description of what you mean by attendance registry? What features and functionality are you looking for? MongoDB is a database, node.js uses javascript as a server-side language, and then I'm assuming you are wanting to use javascript on the front-end as well. That's a full stack, but I'm not sure why you picked those particular technologies. Why MongoDB with node.js? That stack works well with big data and working with nodes. MongoDB is a NoSQL database engine. You might be better off with a SQL-based database such as MySQL.

Basically i would like to develope an attendence register for our call center with:
1.Employee names and Surnames
2.Employement codes
3.Employee depart
4.Employee start date
5.Some form of feature like a (tick for present and X for absent)
6.Days of the week
7.Months of the year
As a newbee i thought :-
a) I would use Mongodatabase as its schema free and faster process
b) Javascript - for creating forms and serverside
c)nodejs -
i was under the assuption that with those applications i would make it accessible internally in on all the PC via desktop shortcut.i would appreciate any helpfull advise

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