HI, I'm still rookie guy with mysql database, I have a mysql script file called "MYBox" in notepad and I want to export to the one of folder directory but I don't know to do that from Does.

I need someone help me what command do I need to type in does to export Mybox file please.


if that file actualy create table and than insert some vulues you can simple run command prompt

mysql -u user_name database_name<your_textfile+extension -p

[I]so it can look like this[/I]

mysql -u root dvdDatabase<myDvds.sql -p

then it will ask you for db password

thank you for your help, please correct me if I'm wrong, the file that i have is called domes.txt and to make new database by run execute file by going to

mysql> -u Username domes<domes.sql -p

is this is correct! if so then why i did not showing on the database list!

please help!


if that file actualy create table and than insert some vulues you can simple run command prompt

mysql -u user_name database_name<your_textfile+extension -p
[I]so it can look like this[/I]
mysql -u root dvdDatabase<myDvds.sql -p

then it will ask you for db password

  1. database to which you want to import your tables must exist, if not create it
  2. for import/export I do not use MySQL command prompt Client but Windows Command Prompt, that is why there are options(-u for user, -p for password), my mistake I should mention it. When importing make shore that you are in the same directory as the file which you want to import into database as typing full path is usualy problematic( plenty of spelling mistakes), so use cd.. to move out of current folder, dir to list content of folder and cd my_folder/sub_folder to enter into a folder

if you still have problem let me know


thanks for your response, when you said you do not use command prompt but window command, i think that must be easier to use. can you let me know which program from window command to use!

please correct me if I'm wrong.

1) the first step is that to create empty database called "domes"
2) then run execute .txt file of "domes.txt" and will convert to the sql in new database of "domes.sql"

Is this is correct step what I'm suppose to do!

Is that possible for me to send you small txt file sql script and you can take look for few minutes then you might have better idea of what you think i should do better way.

please let me know thanks.


  1. database to which you want to import your tables must exist, if not create it
  2. for import/export I do not use MySQL command prompt Client but Windows Command Prompt, that is why there are options(-u for user, -p for password), my mistake I should mention it. When importing make shore that you are in the same directory as the file which you want to import into database as typing full path is usualy problematic( plenty of spelling mistakes), so use cd.. to move out of current folder, dir to list content of folder and cd my_folder/sub_folder to enter into a folder

if you still have problem let me know


thanks for your response, when you said you do not use command prompt but window command, i think that must be easier to use. can you let me know which program from window command to use!

please correct me if I'm wrong.

1) the first step is that to create empty database called "domes"
2) then run execute .txt file of "domes.txt" and will convert to the sql in new database of "domes.sql"

Is this is correct step what I'm suppose to do!

Is that possible for me to send you small txt file sql script and you can take look for few minutes then you might have better idea of what you think i should do better way.

please let me know thanks.


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