Hi This is John
I'm currently developing web based application for a company.And Iknew about Web design,Visual Basic.Net,mysql,php,java,c++,System analysis...etc.But my question is i don't have any adea how to tart, What is the necessary component(based on knowledge,software,hardware) must i have.
This system has many data base,There may be a transactin on a database.The user may log in to the system in europe,Africa,...etc.
I hope i'll get the approprate answer for my question.

Member Avatar for Rhyan

Dude, how did you start developing then!!!

It seems that you've completely messed up.

Please tell us about this application, what is expected to be done with it, what are the user/company requirements and expectations, etc., so eventually you will get a reply.

To your question you will get a thousands of answers, wich all will be correct, but you'll never get the right answer!

The system has more than five data base.But some database are accesseble in anather country through internet.The user may log in to the system every where and can modify it and the other users may log in anather diffrent place.
In general the system has database and interface(Web page).
My question is how can i organize them. and i need step to create this kind of system.

Hi This is John
I'm currently developing web based application for a company.And Iknew about Web design,Visual Basic.Net,mysql,php,java,c++,System analysis...etc.But my question is i don't have any adea how to tart, What is the necessary component(based on knowledge,software,hardware) must i have.
This system has many data base,There may be a transactin on a database.The user may log in to the system in europe,Africa,...etc.
I hope i'll get the approprate answer for my question.

Dude, how did you start developing then!!!

It seems that you've completely messed up.

Please tell us about this application, what is expected to be done with it, what are the user/company requirements and expectations, etc., so eventually you will get a reply.

To your question you will get a thousands of answers, wich all will be correct, but you'll never get the right answer!

I didn't get your point here, John..
Did you confuse on how to start the development, or how to integrate those 5 database in one front-end interface (web based)..?

If you want to integrate the 5 database, data warehousing concept can be one of options.

Or.. you might try take a look at web service concept. probably can meets your requirements.

Or.. if you confused on how to start the development, you might try take a look at system architecture and software development concept.

i didn't understand the question clearly but if you want other users to be able to update the databases from other countries you can use mysql and php, create a form and use php to validate the form to update the databases in mysql...

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