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Hospital Associates own three private hospitals at different locations across the country. It has a centralize database for tracking patients admission and billing. The database schema contains the following tables:
PATIENTS(PatientId, Name, Address,DateofBirth,AccBalance)
ADMISSION(AdmissionId, PatientId(FK), RoomId(FK), AdmitDate, DischargeDate)
ADMITDETAILS(AdmissionId, TreatmentId(FK), DoctorId(FK))
ROOM (RoomId, HospitalId(FK), RoomType, CostPerNight)
TREAMENT(TreatmentId, Prescription, Cost)
DOCTORS(DoctorId, DoctorName)
HOSPITAL(HospitalId, HospitalName)
Draw a ER diagram for the database schema given above. Explain how you arrive at the maximum and minimum values for the relation ship between Admission and Rooms in your ERD.