Twitter confirms Modern Warfare 2 double XP new map bonanza

happygeek 1 Tallied Votes 449 Views Share

It's going to be a great Easter for Modern Warfare 2 gamers, and that's official. Robert Bowling, Creative Strategist at Modern Warfare 2 developers Infinity Ward, has posted confirmation on Twitter that for the weekend of April 2nd to 5th there will be double experience points on offer to players using the new maps.

Ah yes, the new Modern Warfare 2 maps. The Stimulus Pack, as it is known, is due for release on March 30th. The first downloadable content (DLC) for Modern Warfare 2 players is already causing something of a stir amongst XBox 360 owners. Not so much excitement at the thought of those 5 new maps (well, 3 new ones - Bailout, Storm and Salvage, and a couple of old COD4 - Crash and Overgrown, ones thrown in) to play on, but rather balking at the cost.

Apparently to get the Stimulus Pack you will need to part with no less than 1200 Microsoft Points, and that works out to around £10 in real money. Of course, with the game itself retailing at £50 (although many, myself included, got it for half that price courtesy of launch deals at supermarket chains) and already being the most profitable and biggest grossing game of all time some players are arguing that the DLC maps should be free.

I'm not in that camp myself. Look, Infinity Ward and parent company Activision are in it to make money as well as great games. And to be honest I've probably had a whole lot more than £50 worth of fun as I work my way through the multi player prestige rankings. Certainly I'm not going to bemoan paying just a measly £10 to extend that gaming experience.

Especially if I will be getting twice the XP for every game I play over that weekend in April!

So, opinions please, value for money or blatant rip off?

jeremy5speed 0 Newbie Poster

Not worried about the cost either mate just want the xp lol first prestiege 50 and climbing MW 2 Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deme 0 Newbie Poster

Yeah, should be pretty cool, cost is never an issue because I usually buy the 1600 ms pt cards anyways. A speculated new gametype is also rumored, though not confirmed.

mamun0101 0 Newbie Poster

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