Hello everyone!!

I am new to Daniweb!

I am lookng for advise on the best game engine software as well as computers.

To give a little bit of background, I have been working for a company for 10 years designing and maintaining their website and I do some freelance on websites as well. I am pretty much self taught but I can work with almost anything that has to do with web design and I have taught myself alot about C ++.

The company now wants me to help design an adventure game, the problem I am having is that my Mac notebook just crashed. I have had it for 4+ years and my harddrive crashed. I have a friend that can put a new hard drive in for free!!!! And I can buy the Leopard Operating system but would this be the best thing to do to get into gaming software.

I bought a book "The Official Guide to 3D Gamestudio" which helps but it is only suited for Pc's. Is this the best gaming engine? Should I invest in a more up to date computer and if so is a Mac or a PC more suitable. What is considered the best gaming engine on the market today?

Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated!


I don't write games, so I can't help. But I do have a question. If you're a web designer, why would your company ask you to help write a game application?

It is a very small company and asked if I could help. It is something that I am interested in so I agreed to see what I could do.

If you want to make good money then I recommend getting yourself a PC and then to learn C++ --> Win32/MFC(or both) --> DirectX/OpenGL(or both which would be better).

If you want to make good money then I recommend getting yourself a PC and then to learn C++ --> Win32/MFC(or both) --> DirectX/OpenGL(or both which would be better).

Note that DirectX and OpenGL are not game engines (neither are Win32 or MFC). They are APIs. Game aren't really too big on Macs (or Linux). Most commercial games come out for PCs (if for no reason other than more people have them).

From my knowledge of what a game engine really is, there really wouldn't be an engine for a generic game. There's the Unreal engine for shooters (just an example), but you wouldn't use that to make an RPG.

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