Hello all,

I am a final year student developing a project on Image processing. I am thinking of using OpenGL for back-end processing. Is there any particular advantage in this choice like improved performance or ease-of-use? Are there any other options also available?
I can code only in C/C++ & have some basic knowledge of OpenGL.
My system configuration is AMD 3000+, Nvidia Geforce 7300 LE, 1GB RAM, Windows/Linux so advice accordingly.

Thanks in advance

The short answer is:
OpenGL is easier to implement and DirectX has better performance.
google should tell you more

I'm not going to do your homework for you ;)

The short answer is:
OpenGL is easier to implement and DirectX has better performance.
google should tell you more

I'm not going to do your homework for you ;)

Thanks for your advice & the homework tip.:|

DirectX doesn't necessarily have better performance : it really depends how the graphics card manufacturers build their cards, and write their drivers. Without hardware acceleration, DirectX is probably faster, but only on Windows ( and only because the software implementation of OpenGL from Microsoft isn't great ). With hardware acceleration, the limiting factor is the card itself, not the API.

However, DirectX only works on Windows/XBox anyway - OpenGL works on a larger number of platforms.

Read: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1775.asp, it's pretty unbiased and ( importantly ) it's up-to-date. Much discussion you'll find on the net about OGL vs. DX is way out of date.

commented: Thanks for the correction/follow up +9

DirectX doesn't necessarily have better performance : it really depends how the graphics card manufacturers build their cards, and write their drivers. Without hardware acceleration, DirectX is probably faster, but only on Windows ( and only because the software implementation of OpenGL from Microsoft isn't great ). With hardware acceleration, the limiting factor is the card itself, not the API.

However, DirectX only works on Windows/XBox anyway - OpenGL works on a larger number of platforms.

Read: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1775.asp, it's pretty unbiased and ( importantly ) it's up-to-date. Much discussion you'll find on the net about OGL vs. DX is way out of date.

Thank you Matt your link was really helpful

I think Open GL is best for newbies, you can work on open GL easily. Its easy. But professionally direct x has a name of quality. Difference between in these two platforms are Open GL is a software gestionale which is easy to manage commands and direct x interface is easy but at a time of work its worse and not easily understandable.

Thanks for answering my query but I have already decided to go ahead with OpenGL. Will post again if problems arise.

I think Open GL is best for newbies, you can work on open GL easily.

That's a good thing anyway IMHO. 3D graphics is hard enough already without the API trying to kill you along the way.

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