Don't really understand though. How you wrote your game anyways? I'm writing a tutorial about this game using C# but with XNA instead of OpenGL. If you want I could send you the tutorial, I think they should be the same idea.

I'm having a hard-time getting OpenGL installed on my Linux OS. I'm so tempted to just start coding in C# since it's what all the professionals are doing these days. But, it feels less academic, and is thus why I'd prefer using something like OpenGL or something like that. However, there's no point if I can't get it to effing work.

That's one of the things I hate about *nixes in general, it's not easy to install things on your computer like it is in Windows. Everytime I follow any of their "readme" for whatever library I want to install, or if I use my OS's package manger, many times make installation will fail. It's so effing frustrating.

It's generally frowned upon to hijack existing threads to ask new, unrelated, questions.. so I'll ask a software development mod to split this thread.. In the meantime:

- linux distro?
- graphics card?
- language you are using?

are you absolutely sure opengl isn't installed? most distros usually have installed, at least, the mesa* implementation of opengl. some distros have a graphics card driver config page in the installation.

generally, if you install your graphics card drivers properly, opengl 'just works', since the card drivers for a modern card come with opengl libs.

(* 'mesa' is the name of an implementation of opengl that works completely in software i.e. doesn't depend on an accelerated graphics card).

also see:, avoid following the config steps unless you're sure you know what you're doing, but all means follow the diagnostic steps. in particular, let me know if running 'glxinfo' (in a terminal) outputs anything.

Everytime I follow any of their "readme" for whatever library I want to install, or if I use my OS's package manger, many times make installation will fail.

I've been through a few distros now - namely Mandrake/Mandriva, openSUSE, Debian... I find Debian to be the nicest (of these), in terms of package management.

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