I'm coding a game right now and everything works great that i want to have working right now, but there's a minor bug that i know of.
this is that when the player enters their name, and the name has spaces, the code just closes.

here's the part of code:

char name [40]; // lets the players name be up to 40 characters

int main (){

     cout << "Hello, Welcome." <<  endl; // title screen

     cout << "What do you want your name to be?" << endl;
     cin >>  name;
     system ("cls");
     cout << "Congratulations " << name << " What do you want your class to be?"  <<  endl; // this will determine base stats
     cout << "1. Warrior" <<  endl;
     cout <<  "2. Mage" <<  endl;
     cout <<  "3. Healer" <<  endl;
     cin >>  typeofclass;
         if (typeofclass == 1){
            system ("cls");
            yourclass = 'Warrior';
            cout <<  "You have chosen to be a Warrior.\n" <<  endl; // gives stats for this person
            health = 500;
            mana = 10;
            str = 25;
            def = 25;
         else if (typeofclass == 2){
            system ("cls");
            yourclass = 'Mage';
            cout <<  "You have chosen to be a Mage.\n" <<  endl;
            health = 250;
            mana = 50;
            str = 10;
            def = 10;
         else if (typeofclass == 3){
            system ("cls");
            yourclass = 'Healer';
            cout <<  "You have chosen to be a Healer.\n";
            health = 250;
            mana = 40;
            str = 5;
            def = 5;
         else {
            cout <<  "Sorry, thats not a right number, please try again." <<  endl;

      cout << "Your Stats are:" << endl << endl;
      cout << "Health " << health << endl << endl << "Mana " << mana << endl << endl;
      cout << "Strength " << str << endl << endl << "Defense " << def << endl << endl;
      cout <<  "Press Enter to continue.\n \n";


Use a string for the name instead of char and if you want to allow spaces use getline(cin, name) instead of cin.

how would i use the getline(cin, name)?

ok i get that now, thanks but theres one other problem ive been having with my program, its not really a error its more of a, i cant find any tutorials on how to do it.

random numbers, ive looked online on youtube on google etc, and i cant find one that actually works, is a random number.

Include these libraries:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

This will initialize the use of rand function:


Now to generate a random number use:

int i = rand() % n

This will generate a number between 0 and n-1
So let's say you use

int i = rand() % 3

i will be either 0, 1 or 2.

commented: Even if the OP won't give you rep, I will :) +2

i was just looking on youtube and google for a good amount of time and i found this:


thats basically what you said and i also figured out i can use:

bob = rand() % 10 + 1;

bob is just a example int.
and when i put the % 10 thats from 1- 10 but if i put it to:
% 10 + 1 that means it can do 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

is that right?

bob = rand() % 10 + 1;

bob will be between 1 and 10.

Thanks and I was working on my code while adding the random numbers and if you want to try it out here it is:

There's some bugs i know I'm still working on the code i just wanted to get feedback on what some people thought.

here's the code:

/*Coded by Josh*/

# include <iostream>
# include <cmath>
# include <ctime>
# include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

    int points = 3;
    int loot = 0;
    int money;
    int dmg;
    int mdmg;
    char yourclass;
    string name; // lets the players name be up to 40 characters
    int choice;
    int goblin = 25; // monsters health.
    int dwarf = 50;
    int troll = 75;
    int giant = 100;
    int glvl = 1; // monsters level
    int dlvl = 2;
    int tlvl = 3;
    int Glvl = 4;
    int typeofclass;
    int health;
    int mana;
    int str;
    int def;
    int expe;
    int lvl = 1; // will require set ammount of exp.

void attpoints();
void mainmenu();
void shop ();
void rest ();
void arena ();

 void fightg (){
             goblin = 25;

              // do loop here, until the monsters health is <= 0
              system ("cls");
                    if (health <= 0){
                    cout << "You have died." << endl; // if you died from the fight then it will return to the main menu
                    cout << "Returning to Main menu." << endl; // if not it will ignore this
                    else {
                         do {
                         system ("cls");
                         cout << "Your health is: " << health << endl << endl;
                         cout << "The Goblin's heath is: " << goblin << endl << endl << endl;
                         cout << "Do you want to: " << endl;
                         cout << "1. Fight." << endl;
                         cout << "2. Heal." << endl;
                         cout << "3. Go to Main menu." << endl;
                         cin >> choice;
                           if (choice == 1){
                              system ("cls");
                               mdmg = rand() % 10 + 1;
                               mdmg = mdmg * glvl;
                               dmg = rand() % 10 + 1;
                               dmg = dmg * str;
                               cout <<  "You hit your enemy for: " << dmg << endl << endl << endl;
                               health = health - mdmg;
                               goblin = goblin - dmg;
                               cout <<  "Your enemy hit you for:" <<  mdmg << endl << endl << endl;
                             cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;

                               // press any key code to go back to the main fighting menu.
                           else if (choice == 2){
                                   system ("cls") ;
                                   cout << "You have chosen to heal." << endl << endl;
                                   // random healing between 1 and 10
                                   // mana devided by 10
                                   // random healing multiplied by the 1/10th mana
                                   // add that number to health
                                    cout <<  "Your enemy hit you for:" <<  endl << endl;
                                   // will do random between 1 and 10
                                   // multiply this by the monsters level
                                   // minus this from the health
                                   cout << "Your health is now: " << health << endl << endl;
                                   cout << endl << endl;
                              cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                                   // press any key code to go back to the main fighting menu.
                           else if (choice == 3) mainmenu ();
                           else {
                                cout << "That is not a choice. please try again." << endl;
                                cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                            } while (goblin > 0);
               if (goblin <= 0){
                          expe = expe + rand() % 10 + 1;
                          expe = expe * glvl;
                            if    (expe >= 50){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";

                             else if (expe >=100){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=150){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=200){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=300){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                               else if (expe >=400){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                          loot = rand() % 100 + 1;
                          loot = loot * glvl;
                          cout << "You have killed a Goblin!\n";
                          cout << "\nYour loot is: ";
                          cout << loot << " Gold\n\n";
                          cout << "You also got: " << expe << " experience.\n\n";
                          cout << "\nPress Enter to continue.\n\n";
                          money = money + loot;

void fightd () {
            dwarf = 50;
              // do loop here, until the monsters health is <= 0
              system ("cls");
                    if (health <= 0){
                    cout << "You have died." << endl; // if you died from the fight then it will return to the main menu
                    cout << "Returning to Main menu." << endl; // if not it will ignore this
                    else {
                         do {
                         system ("cls");
                         cout << "Your health is: " << health << endl << endl;
                         cout << "The Dwarf's heath is: " << dwarf << endl << endl << endl;
                         cout << "Do you want to: " << endl;
                         cout << "1. Fight." << endl;
                         cout << "2. Heal." << endl;
                         cout << "3. Go to Main menu." << endl;
                         cin >> choice;
                           if (choice == 1){
                              system ("cls");
                               mdmg = rand() % 10 + 1;
                               mdmg = mdmg * dlvl;
                               dmg = rand() % 10 + 1;
                               dmg = dmg * str;
                               cout <<  "You hit your enemy for: " << dmg << endl << endl << endl;
                               health = health - mdmg;
                               dwarf = dwarf - dmg;
                               cout <<  "Your enemy hit you for:" <<  mdmg << endl << endl << endl;
                               cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                               // press any key code to go back to the main fighting menu.
                           else if (choice == 2){
                                   system ("cls") ;
                                   cout << "You have chosen to heal." << endl;
                                   // random healing between 1 and 10
                                   // mana devided by 10
                                   // random healing multiplied by the 1/10th mana
                                   // add that number to health
                                    cout <<  "Your enemy hit you for:" <<  endl;
                                   // will do random between 1 and 10
                                   // multiply this by the monsters level
                                   // minus this from the health
                                   cout << "Your health is now: " << health << endl;
                                   cout << endl << endl;
                                   cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                                   // press any key code to go back to the main fighting menu.
                           else if (choice == 3) mainmenu ();
                           else {
                                cout << "That is not a choice. please try again." << endl;
                                cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                                // will go back to the start of the loop again.
                           while (dwarf > 0);
                           if (dwarf <= 0){
                          expe = expe + rand() % 10 + 1;
                          expe = expe * glvl;
                            if    (expe >= 50){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";

                             else if (expe >=100){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=150){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=200){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=300){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                               else if (expe >=400){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                          loot = rand() % 100 + 1;
                          loot = loot * dlvl;
                          cout << "You have killed a Dwarf!\n";
                          cout << "\nYour loot is: ";
                          cout << loot << " Gold\n\n";
                          cout << "You also got: " << expe << " experience.\n\n"; 
                          cout << "\nPress Enter to continue.\n\n";
                          money = money + loot;
void fightt () {
            troll = 75;
              // do loop here, until the monsters health is <= 0
              system ("cls");
                    if (health <= 0){
                    cout << "You have died." << endl; // if you died from the fight then it will return to the main menu
                    cout << "Returning to Main menu." << endl; // if not it will ignore this
                    else {
                         do {
                         system ("cls");
                         cout << "Your health is: " << health << endl << endl;
                         cout << "The Troll's heath is: " << troll << endl << endl << endl;
                         cout << "Do you want to: " << endl;
                         cout << "1. Fight." << endl;
                         cout << "2. Heal." << endl;
                         cout << "3. Go to Main menu." << endl;
                         cin >> choice;
                           if (choice == 1){
                              system ("cls");
                               mdmg = rand() % 10 + 1;
                               mdmg = mdmg * tlvl;
                               dmg = rand() % 10 + 1;
                               dmg = dmg * str;
                               cout <<  "You hit your enemy for: " << dmg << endl << endl << endl;
                               health = health - mdmg;
                               troll = troll - dmg;
                               cout <<  "Your enemy hit you for:" <<  mdmg << endl << endl << endl;
                               cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                               // press any key code to go back to the main fighting menu.
                           else if (choice == 2){
                                   system ("cls") ;
                                   cout << "You have chosen to heal." << endl;
                                   // random healing between 1 and 10
                                   // mana devided by 10
                                   // random healing multiplied by the 1/10th mana
                                   // add that number to health
                                    cout <<  "Your enemy hit you for:" <<  endl;
                                   // will do random between 1 and 10
                                   // multiply this by the monsters level
                                   // minus this from the health
                                   cout << "Your health is now: " << health << endl;
                                   cout << endl << endl;
                                   cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                                   // press any key code to go back to the main fighting menu.
                           else if (choice == 3) mainmenu ();
                           else {
                                cout << "That is not a choice. please try again." << endl;
                                cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                                // will go back to the start of the loop again.
                           while (troll > 0);
                           if (troll <= 0){
                          expe = expe + rand() % 10 + 1;
                          expe = expe * glvl;
                            if    (expe >= 50){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";

                             else if (expe >=100){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=150){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=200){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=300){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                               else if (expe >=400){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                          loot = rand() % 100 + 1;
                          loot = loot * tlvl;
                          cout << "You have killed a Troll!\n";
                          cout << "\nYour loot is: ";
                          cout << loot << " Gold\n\n";
                          cout << "You also got: " << expe << " experience.\n\n";  
                          cout << "\nPress Enter to continue.\n\n";
                          money = money + loot;

void fightG () {
            giant = 100;
              // do loop here, until the monsters health is <= 0
              system ("cls");
                    if (health <= 0){
                    cout << "You have died." << endl; // if you died from the fight then it will return to the main menu
                    cout << "Returning to Main menu." << endl; // if not it will ignore this
                    else {
                         do {
                         cout << "Your health is: " << health << endl << endl;
                         cout << "The giants's heath is: " << giant << endl << endl << endl;
                         cout << "Do you want to: " << endl;
                         cout << "1. Fight." << endl;
                         cout << "2. Heal." << endl;
                         cout << "3. Go to Main menu." << endl;
                         cin >> choice;
                           if (choice == 1){
                               system ("cls");
                               mdmg = rand() % 10 + 1;
                               mdmg = mdmg * Glvl;
                               dmg = rand() % 10 + 1;
                               dmg = dmg * str;
                               cout <<  "You hit your enemy for: " << dmg << endl << endl << endl;
                               health = health - mdmg;
                               giant = giant - dmg;
                               cout <<  "Your enemy hit you for:" <<  mdmg << endl << endl << endl;
                               cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                               // press any key code to go back to the main fighting menu.
                           else if (choice == 2){
                                   system ("cls") ;
                                   cout << "You have chosen to heal." << endl;
                                   // random healing between 1 and 10
                                   // mana devided by 10
                                   // random healing multiplied by the 1/10th mana
                                   // add that number to health
                                    cout <<  "Your enemy hit you for:" <<  endl;
                                   // will do random between 1 and 10
                                   // multiply this by the monsters level
                                   // minus this from the health
                                   cout << "Your health is now: " << health << endl;
                                   cout << endl << endl;
                                   cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                                   // press any key code to go back to the main fighting menu.
                           else if (choice == 3) mainmenu ();
                           else {
                                cout << "That is not a choice. please try again." << endl;
                                cout << "To continue fighing press Enter." << endl;
                                // will go back to the start of the loop again.
                                 while (giant > 0);
               if (giant <= 0){
                         expe = expe + rand() % 10 + 1;
                          expe = expe * glvl;
                            if    (expe >= 50){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";

                             else if (expe >=100){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=150){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=200){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                              else if (expe >=300){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                               else if (expe >=400){
                                      lvl = lvl + 1;
                                      points = points + 3;
                                      cout << "Congratulations" << name << "\n";
                                      cout << "You have Level up!\n";
                                      cout << "You are now level: " << lvl << "\n";
                          loot = rand() % 100 + 1;
                          loot = loot * Glvl;
                          cout << "You have killed a Giant!\n";
                          cout << "\nYour loot is: ";
                          cout << loot << " Gold\n\n";
                          cout << "You also got: " << expe << " experience.\n\n";  
                          cout << "\nPress Enter to continue.\n\n";
                          money = money + loot;

void mainmenu (){
    int choice;
    int goblin = 250; // monsters health.
    int dwarf = 500;
    int troll = 750;
    int giant = 1000;
    int glvl = 1; // monsters level
    int dlvl = 2;
    int tlvl = 3;
    int Glvl = 4;

    system ("cls");
    cout << "Main menu." << endl << endl; // Main menu
    cout << "You have: " << money << " Gold.\n\n";
    cout << "You have: " << points << " Attribute points.\n\n";
    cout << "What would you like to do " << name << "?" << endl << endl;
    cout << "1. Fight." << endl << endl;
    cout << "2. Go to the Shop." << endl << endl;
    cout << "3. Rest." << endl << endl;
    cout << "4. Go to the Arena." << endl << endl;
    if (points > 0)
    cout << "5. Spent Attribute Points.\n";
    cin >> choice;
    if (choice == 1){
               do {
               system ("cls");
               cout << "You have chosen to fight." << endl; // who they choose to fight
               cout << "Who would you like to fight?" << endl;
               cout << "1. Goblin." << endl;
               cout << "2. Dwarf." << endl;
               cout << "3. Troll." << endl;
               cout << "4. Giant." << endl;
               cin >> choice;
                   if (choice == 1){
                   else if (choice == 2){
                   else if (choice == 3){
                   else if (choice == 4){
                   else {
                        cout << "That is not a choice. please try again." << endl;
                        cout <<  "\nPress Enter to retry.\n";
                        // will go back to the start of the loop again.
                 }  while (choice != 1 || 2 || 3 || 4);
    else if (choice == 2) {
    else if (choice == 3) {
    else if (choice == 4) {
    else if (choice == 5){
    else {
                        cout << "That is not a choice. please try again." << endl;
                        // will go back to the start of the loop again.


int main (){

     cout << "Hello, Welcome." <<  endl; // title screen

     cout << "What do you want your name to be?" << endl;
     system ("cls");
     cout << "Congratulations " << name << " What do you want your class to be?"  <<  endl; // this will determine base stats
     cout << "1. Warrior" <<  endl;
     cout <<  "2. Mage" <<  endl;
     cout <<  "3. Healer" <<  endl;
     cin >>  typeofclass;
         if (typeofclass == 1){
            system ("cls");
            yourclass = 'Warrior';
            cout <<  "You have chosen to be a Warrior.\n" <<  endl; // gives stats for this person
            health = 50;
            mana = 1;
            str = 3;
            def = 3;
         else if (typeofclass == 2){
            system ("cls");
            yourclass = 'Mage';
            cout <<  "You have chosen to be a Mage.\n" <<  endl;
            health = 25;
            mana = 5;
            str = 1;
            def = 1;
         else if (typeofclass == 3){
            system ("cls");
            yourclass = 'Healer';
            cout <<  "You have chosen to be a Healer.\n";
            health = 25;
            mana = 4;
            str = 1;
            def = 1;
         else {
            cout <<  "Sorry, thats not a right number, please try again." <<  endl;

      cout << "Your Stats are:" << endl << endl;
      cout << "Health " << health << endl << endl << "Mana " << mana << endl << endl;
      cout << "Strength " << str << endl << endl << "Defense " << def << endl << endl;
      cout <<  "Press Enter to continue.\n \n";


void shop(){
     system ("cls");
     cout << "A work in progress" << endl;
     cout << "\nPress Enter to Go to the main menu \n";
void rest() {
     system ("cls");
     cout << "A work in progress" << endl;
     cout << "\nPress Enter to Go to the main menu \n";
void arena() {
     system ("cls");
     cout << "A work in progress" << endl;
     cout << "\nPress Enter to Go to the main menu \n";
void attpoints(){
     bool done = false;
     while (done != true){
           if (points <= 0){
                      system ("cls");
                      cout << "You have no more Points.\n";
                      cout << "Press Enter to return to the Main Menu.\n";
     system ("cls");
     cout << "You have: " << points << " Points left.\n\n";
     cout << "Your Stats are:" << endl << endl;
     cout << "Health " << health << endl << endl << "Mana " << mana << endl << endl;
     cout << "Strength " << str << endl << endl << "Defense " << def << endl << endl;
     cout << "Would you like to:" << endl;
     cout << "\n1. Add 10 to Your Health.";
     cout << "\n2. Add 1 to str.";
     cout << "\n3. Add 1 to def.";
     cout << "\n4. Add 1 to mana str.\n";
     cout << "5. Go to main menu.\n\n";
     cin >> choice;
     cout << "\n";
          switch (choice){
                 case 1:
                      system ("cls");
                      points = points - 1;
                      health = health + 10;
                      cout << "You added 10 to your health, Your health is now: " << health << ".\n";
                      cout << "\nPress Enter to add more.\n";
                 case 2:
                      system ("cls");
                      points = points - 1;
                      str = str + 1;
                      cout << "You added 1 to your Strength, Your Strength is now: " << str << ".\n";
                      cout << "\nPress Enter to add more.\n";
                 case 3:
                      system ("cls");
                      points = points - 1;
                      def = def + 1;
                      cout << "You added 1 to your Defense, Your Defense is now: " << def << ".\n";
                      cout << "\nPress Enter to add more.\n";
                 case 4:
                      system ("cls");
                      points = points - 1;
                      mana = mana + 1;
                      cout << "You added 1 to your Mana, Your Mana is now: " << mana << ".\n";
                      cout << "\nPress Enter to add more.\n";
                 case 5:
                      done = true;
     cout << "\nPress Enter to Go to the main menu \n";
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